Rehabilitating an aggressive cockerel



Oct 14, 2019
This is a thread about Star a very aggressive easter egger 6 months old
his previous owners were thinking of putting him down because hes out of control
he showed up yesterday and we put him in the coop inside of a dog crate so my flock can see him but not touch him
when i gave him food and water he pecked me quite a few times and didnt want my hand in his cage and then the crowing contest began between him and my other 3 roosters and it lasted all night and into this morning i have had aggressive cockerels a few times and they came out of it but its alot of work and its frustrating the whole time not knowing when or if he will ever stop but the family and i are up for the task
What's your game plan?

I admire your determination and commitment.

Regarding what @ChickenCanoe mentioned, have you had previous knowledge of this cockerel's health status? Quarantine is a good idea to screen out respiratory illness, although it can't identify avian viruses the cockerel could be carrying.

It's a moot point now, though.
they swear they have had no illnesses in there flock so i have to take there word for it at this point
I'm sure that is true.
However there are illnesses their flock may be resistant to and yours aren't. Or a pathogen could have come into their flock recently that had yet to manifest itself with symptoms.
I've gotten birds from others that were supposedly healthy and they were loaded up with lice and mites. No illnesses though but I now keep a closed flock so no new birds coming in.
my plan as of right now is to keep him in the crate for a few days the only 1 in my flock thats not liking him is my 1 year old cuckoo maran rooster my 2 older roosters dont seem to care hes in there coop
then establishing pecking order comes next
ive had 3 roosters and 5 hens for awhile now ever since i downsized and i havent had any issues at all the only rooster that mounts my hens is my lead rooster
my lead rooster keeps the boys in line pretty good i think im pretty lucky having him
his name is lucky lol

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