
Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
I was just thinking and got curious who had tried these and what their success rate was if they did. I know I’ve read about a few people on here trying it but can’t remember much details and would love to hear from others too. Of course I won’t be trying this as I don’t have the room atm and even if I did, I would prefer to hatch from my own birds, but I’m just curious how successful it is. Store eggs must be quite old, no? I wouldn’t think they would still be viable but I’m pretty sure I have heard at least some success stories so I’m curious. Also curious what breeds one might get from this. Or what species you have tried it with. 🤔🤔
Myself and others have tried it with varying amounts of success. Trader Joes (some locations) sell grocery eggs as "Fetile Eggs' (stamped on the carton) and some peeps have had success with those. The Trader Joes near me dosn't sell them tho. Others have tried the Happy Egg brand but that was a waste for me and at least one other person on this site. None of the eggs were fertile. We had hoped, because they sell eggs from Independent Farmers in that brand, that some may have let roosters run loose with the dice for me. Duck Eggs from Asian markets seem to have a better fertility rate for others. Interestingly, for, duck eggs and otherwise, though the hatch rate overall was lower on grocery store eggs for those that had a hatch from them, being refrigerated didn't matter.
Myself and others have tried it with varying amounts of success. Trader Joes (some locations) sell grocery eggs as "Fetile Eggs' (stamped on the carton) and some peeps have had success with those. The Trader Joes near me dosn't sell them tho. Others have tried the Happy Egg brand but that was a waste for me and at least one other person on this site. None of the eggs were fertile. We had hoped, because they sell eggs from Independent Farmers in that brand, that some may have let roosters run loose with the dice for me. Duck Eggs from Asian markets seem to have a better fertility rate for others. Interestingly, for, duck eggs and otherwise, though the hatch rate overall was lower on grocery store eggs for those that had a hatch from them, being refrigerated didn't matter.
This is all very interesting and helpful thank you!! I wonder if our Trader Joe’s has those! I don’t think I’ve ever even been in ours 😂 if I ever have the proper set up for ducks, I would love to get them from somewhere like that and try it. 😁🥰
I , too, have heard of luck with eggs from Asian food markets because fertilized eggs are a delicacy in some cultures (Balut - I can't even. Just no.)
I wonder if they have a better rate too cause they’re not usually refrigerated? Very interesting. 🤔
Fertilized eggs for eating is actually a thing especially in health/whole food type stores. Some people claim fertilized eggs are healthier for you or something? I have no idea the science behind it, or lack there of for all I know.

The packaging literally will say fertilized eggs. I've seen some people do it with chicken, quail, and duck eggs. Generally your hatch rate will be VERY low. Like I saw a guy on YouTube who did it with quail eggs and I want to say he did 3 dozen eggs and only 3 hatched.

Breeds you'll get depend on the eggs, most of the time for chickens I see it as brown eggs and those I'd expect to likely be a Rhode Island Red or something along those lines. Something hardy, good egg laying and CHEAP to buy.
I've done some from my own hens, that had been in the fridge for an unspecified amount of time (at least 2 weeks) and got about 50%+ hatch rate. Also a batch I bought as table eggs that hatched at 80%. Those were local eggs and only in the fridge a day or two.

I'm currently doing some Trader Joe's fertile eggs. They were 11 and 18 days old when I got them. Today is day 14 for those. 0/12 developed in the older eggs. 8/12 developed in the fresher eggs. I have 1/12 remaining. I haven't decided if I'll try again. They were very slow to develop, lots of quitters. I read an article about the embryo metabolism being changed by the time spent at low temperatures. Especially a commercial fridge which is colder than my home one. If I ever try it again I'd want Trader Joe eggs under 7 days old.

I've been checking Julian dates on fancy eggs at various stores. There are some really old eggs out there. Definitely know how to check those julia dates and don't make assumptions on freshness.

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