Red Star, Sex Link, turn White??


10 Years
May 6, 2009
Hello All...

I'm a newbie to the chicken world and am amazed at the wonder of coop designs out there, but right now... I just don't understand why my Red Stars Sex Link would turn White?? I read that the males sometime turn white! I bought all hens and was going to get a Roo from someone else that may need to swopp out one. Now I think I only have two Red Stars hen's and maybe not that because the other two are also changing colors and are almost white now.
As chicks the males and females are different. The females are darker or slightly buff reddish, or a little like a buff orpington chick's color. I think the males are more yellow turning mostly white. As they mature, the red stars can have some white on the females, kind of speckled or patchy, but more red than white feathers.

Can you post a picture?


Here is a poor pic of my neighbor's red star pullet, she was mine as a chick. Her back end has a lot of white; she is half way toward the back on the left.
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I don't know yet how to post a photo on this site ...stil new .... but My Red Stars are turning all White. Infact I notice three birds turned all white by the third week and two left are mostly white. There is some red around the head but fading fast daily.
Redstar the pullet will be buff color(red) the males will be yellow feather out mostly white with some color on their back.

Redstar are not pure they are a cross of RIR or NH rooster X white leghorns.

Redstar will not breed true and produce mutt chicken that are no longer sexlink.
Look up at the top on the blue bar and click "uploads" and you can browse through your files and choose the picture. Once it is uploaded copy the link in the box after Image: Paste it here and click submit
When I bought all of mine..I was told they were all sex links...I have one that has more white than the others. I know its a hen, bc shes laid eggs.
Is this also an red sex link??

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