
May 24, 2022
Central Texas
Checking my large male Pekin Niles last bought nieces a small scab, didn't look like bumblefoot. Left him in his pen overnight. This morning the scab was hanging off so in went to make a soak. When i finally caught him, he hadv these red spots on both feet, that can be seen on both top and bottom(Last picture has the scab on the center of the left foot which was the the initial cause to be soaked): 20230301_091854.jpg
I have no idea what this is, anyone have any ideas? The female pekin that is his mate does not have them.
Maybe broken blood vessels?
We've had a bunch of rain and there are a good amount of ant beds, could they be ant bites? But there is no spot of biting, just the redness.
It doesn't seem painful in any way.
Both pekin are currently soaking in warm water w/ chlorahexadine. Going to iodine and neosporin tne small scab.
Not sure at all what to do about the red spots or if i should even worry.

Any and all help is appreciated


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What is the ground like they are kept on? just wondering if it’s bruising. Or might be ant bites.
Dirt, grass, some mud
A lot of the ducks have been foraging in the woods and spending less time in the pond as they've become more adventurous...but not the 2 pekin. They hang out in the water a lot and then on grass and dirt. Rarely do they in the woods.
He's been chasing females a bunch in case that's a cause of bruising.
After their soak, the two pekins are in their pen so he calms down. And to keep his foot dry after washing the little wound. I need more duck shoes the one large pair i have is occupied by the cayuga recovering from bumblefoot

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