duck foot issue

  1. Kerya

    Duck foot injury / illness, need advice

    Recently the humidity has been harder to control in my duck house than usual, and now my boys feet don’t look good. I’m assuming the humidity + cold has done it, or helped do it ? I don’t fully believe it’s bumble foot as some of these cut like things have a scaly / ridged sort of texture. I...
  2. Launchpad

    Red spots on Pekin duck feet

    Checking my large male Pekin Niles last bought nieces a small scab, didn't look like bumblefoot. Left him in his pen overnight. This morning the scab was hanging off so in went to make a soak. When i finally caught him, he hadv these red spots on both feet, that can be seen on both top and...
  3. sierraforest

    Opinions about potential calluses on duck's feet?

    One of our ducks is healing from bumble foot but the other has these two spots on her feet. They've looked like this for a few months and haven't gotten worse or better; we've been soaking her feet daily in an epsom salt bath and expected to see some change, but haven't. I read in "Storey's...
  4. P

    Duck limping

    My female duck is about 5 months old. She start limping a few weeks ago. When i looked at her it almost looked like she had a big pimple on the bottom of her foot. I gave her an epsom salt bath to see if that would help, i didn't. I looked at her foot again today because she seems to be getting...
  5. Ladyfisherwoman

    Nonpainful growth on foot

    My 2 year old Pekin has this growth on the top of her foot. No other growths. It is not warm, not painful, when pressed it does not feel like liquid but not hard either. What is it?
  6. DatCrazyChickenLady

    Large swelling on foot?

    Hello! My duck, Nibbles, has recently developed a large swelling on his foot. He isn’t moving much because he doesn’t want to put pressure on it, but he otherwise seems healthy. It has been there for about 3-4 days. Does anyone know what this might be?
  7. nobleschicks

    Cyst? Abscess?

    Need Help! I noticed my girl limping I checked a couple weeks ago for bumble foot but no marks so I thought maybe the drake was too hard with her because he’s like twice her size now today I catch her again and see this abscess how do I treat it? It’s mainly the top of her ankle.... I have...
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