Red Sac Hanging From Chicks Tummy

How on earth is this chick still alive... fascinating. I've never heard of a chick with so much go albeit it's odds pushed so hard against it. If It has any chance of survival I would try some superglue on the hole to plug it up, and get it to drink some electrolytes. If it makes it past that, then maybe try and give it some egg yolk to make up for the loss of its yolk sac?
The chick is still alive!! And doing a bit better, I think.
It's just in a lot of pain and cheeping very loudly, and there's pus coming from the hole. The hole has closed up. How can I clean the hole? And should I wait for the yolk sac to dry, or try to remove it?
The chick has been doing semi-okay since I pushed it's intestines back in a couple hours ago. It hatched around noon today, I think. Maybe earlier.
The chick seems to be okay. Still resting a lot, and it doesn't like to be picked up, but that's understandable. It ate a little bit of boiled egg yolk I gave them all, mixed with a little water.
The chick is doing even better now. It's eating the egg yolk I've offered it and some of its feed that I made into a mash with a little water. It naps with the other chicks. No more loud cheeping so I think the pain is beginning to go away.

It does seem noticeably smaller than the others. That could just be because the blood and fluids dried on the down is keeping it from fully fluffing up in some places.

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