Red, Dry Skin, Feather Loss, Frayed Fathers, Large and very warm crop

Jun 8, 2021
Hi All,

I have a Black Australorp who is almost a year old. For the last few weeks she's been very slowly losing feathers and her back feathers are very frayed. Her chest also has dry skin peeling off, is bare, and is a bit red. She has feather loss on her neck, head, and chest. But has pin feathers on her head. She is the only one like that of our 6 hens.

I thought it was mites or lice. I have checked her and the coop at night multiple times. So far nothing. They also have access to dust baths we DE in it. I also added DE around the coop, in the coop, and run.

I don't think its molting because she's not losing a lot of feathers. She also is still laying consistently, and is our best layer at the moment.

I also do not think it is bullying. I watch their interactions and haven't seen it. She is also not the last hen in the order either. Her tail feathers aren't missing, but her back feathers are very frayed and have been like this for weeks.

Her crop is somewhat large and hasn't gone down. It is squishy with a few areas that feel like sand or food. The crop, however, is very warm to the touch. She is still drinking water and eating grubterra. Her mouth area also doesn't smell, so I don't think its sour crop either. She did have surgery back in November to empty an impacted crop full of sand.

I am wondering if she is not eating enough?

I am attaching some pictures. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


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How does the crop feel now—full and firm, doughy, or puffy? Can you check it first thing in the morning before eating or drinking, and tell us if it has emptied? Her breastbone has a pressure sore which is usually from spending a lot of time lying on her chest, or on a roost that may be rough. Does she lie around much of the day? Is it damp or soiled where she spends most of her time? I would clean it with Betadine daily. If it develops a scab, then put some antibiotic cream on it. They can become abscessed with pus inside.

I believe her feathers are missing due to feather picking. Do you have a rooster who may be treading her and holding onto her feathers on the back of the neck?

As for her crop, let us know what it is like each morning. If it is not emptying by morning, she may have a slow crop or be getting another crop impaction. Usually, there can be another problem that causes more crop problems. Worms, reproductive disorders, and ascites are some possible causes. Is she eating sand? Do you have poultry grit available? Here is a good article on crops:
How does the crop feel now—full and firm, doughy, or puffy? Can you check it first thing in the morning before eating or drinking, and tell us if it has emptied? Her breastbone has a pressure sore which is usually from spending a lot of time lying on her chest, or on a roost that may be rough. Does she lie around much of the day? Is it damp or soiled where she spends most of her time? I would clean it with Betadine daily. If it develops a scab, then put some antibiotic cream on it. They can become abscessed with pus inside.

I believe her feathers are missing due to feather picking. Do you have a rooster who may be treading her and holding onto her feathers on the back of the neck?

As for her crop, let us know what it is like each morning. If it is not emptying by morning, she may have a slow crop or be getting another crop impaction. Usually, there can be another problem that causes more crop problems. Worms, reproductive disorders, and ascites are some possible causes. Is she eating sand? Do you have poultry grit available? Here is a good article on crops:
I checked the crop this morning, and it went down slightly. I don't feel the food it anymore, but it is still big and squishy. But she is still eating and drinking and acting normal. As for perching she is usually out and about and not really sitting one place for a long period of time except for at night. We don't have a rooster. I've been watching the camera and so far, there hasn't been a single incident of bullying. She also laid another egg yesterday. I'm going to have to bring her in tonight and monitor for a few days inside. I'll withhold food for 24 hours and provide her with water. It's really strange. I have no idea what is going on.

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