Recovering from Sour Crop...


Queen Of The Coop
7 Years
Jul 13, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
So this is the story...
I was getting the birds up with my dad (letting them out of their coops) and dad found Amber in the 'nest box', she wasn't moving and dad picked her up and brought her outside. He called me saying "What's wrong with Amber?" and I hurried over to see. Since multiple times I have lost a hen through Sour crop... (She was bright purple due to lack of oxygen :hit)
Anyway. I was sure it was sour crop as she started gagging up lots of nastiness (the smell... was horrendous...poor old girl...) so we decided to take her home, and if she were to pass away it would be best in a warm quiet peaceful place instead of being outside in the cold. So we headed back. And when we were half way back home (as we walk to the allotments, its about half mile walk) when she started flapping and she was even more purple. :)hit and I'm sure the flapping was the last spurts of energy trying to breath)
Anyway I put her on the floor away from the road because it wouldn't do to have her run over :lol: and she continued flapping (it was so hard to watch... I was sobbing so bad.. Wee couldn't do anything :hit)
Anyway.. she has stopped flapping and her eyes had the look of death.... it was not a nice sight. But i decided to resuscitate her (not mouth to mouth :sick ew no.) , (during this me and my parents regretted i brought her back because it would have been better for her to have died there and quickly instead of dying slowly at home) and i got her to breath. Still purple even so, we brought her back, dad had to go to work and leave me home with her, I got her into the yard and started massaging her crop and somehow i got it ALL out. It was such a horrible experience..... i was gagging and i never usually gag at smells.. The smell was... ugh.. unexplainable.
And i splashed her with cold water and made all the gunk go down the drain. Picked her up and put her in a box with newspaper and decided i couldn't anything more to help her. So i left her for the day.
And when i was watching a movie with my mom i heard a noise and looked towards Amber , she had jumped up to try and perch on the edge of the box as she usually perches when she sleeps in the hen house. And that shocked me she would actually move...
So she started drinking when i gave her water and after a day i gave her food, she still had that nasty fluid in her lungs or something as her breathing was crackly and very irregular. That soon went away. And she improved and improved. We hung out together a lot, snuggling together on the couch, she never used to be very tame.... but now she'll let me do anything with her, she LOVES her 'cheeks' being stroked now :lau
ANYWAY, the reason Im writing all this down is, its been 5 days since her illness, and eats very well, band i even brought her to the allotment for a bit and see her sisters again, she was glad to get back to the house though :lol: (I keep getting side-tracked -_-) so her comb is still a little floppy which i think indicates her still being ill or recovering.
At night, I feel her crop full of seeds, and in the morning i check to see if its gone down. But this morning it hasn't gone down... and I'm wondering if theres something wrong.. and the big thing is that we are going to see friends on Friday and she needs to be better by then or we have to have someone help her onto the perch as her foot was affected by lack of oxygen, but she's walking much much better, her foot used to curl up but not anymore :wee

And i wouldn't like her to go back to the allotment until she is properly better but i hope she gets her life in order :lau before we go away.

So the question is; Is there something more i can do? Or any help will do, tips and such... Please help, thanks!

-Tov, and Amber who is sitting with me as i type.

Here is her sleeping on my lap, check it out if you like;

Sorry if my writing is confusing :)
Hi Tov, I really think that you should stay behind with Amber to make sure she is alright. I know that I couldn’t go out of town if one of my chickens was in need of my help because I’d be constantly worrying about the chicken. It sounds like she has a combination of sour crop and an impacted crop. I treated one of my Leghirn pullets for sour crop by mixing some feed with yogurt and feeding it to her. After about a week the sour crop went away. I have also treated a Light Brahma hen for an impacted crop by massaging her crop for 3-5 minutes multiple times a day and in less than a week it was gone. Does Amber’s crop feel firm like a stress ball or soft and squishy like a balloon? Does her breathe still smell? Separate her from the rest of the flock and keep an eye on her. Give her water with electrolytes or some Gatorade.
Hi Tov, I really think that you should stay behind with Amber to make sure she is alright. I know that I couldn’t go out of town if one of my chickens was in need of my help because I’d be constantly worrying about the chicken. It sounds like she has a combination of sour crop and an impacted crop. I treated one of my Leghirn pullets for sour crop by mixing some feed with yogurt and feeding it to her. After about a week the sour crop went away. I have also treated a Light Brahma hen for an impacted crop by massaging her crop for 3-5 minutes multiple times a day and in less than a week it was gone. Does Amber’s crop feel firm like a stress ball or soft and squishy like a balloon? Does her breathe still smell? Separate her from the rest of the flock and keep an eye on her. Give her water with electrolytes or some Gatorade.
Thanks Aryeh, I cannot stay home with her that long. I'm not the right age to stay home for a whole weekend, and I am really looking foward to seeing these friends and other reasons.
No her breath doesn't smell bad anymore.
Its not firm, it's not too soft either. It's not bloated but I can feel all the seeds. The crop feels perfectly fine except its not going down..
She has been in the house for almost a week. Having loads of tlc.
Thanks Aryeh, I cannot stay home with her that long. I'm not the right age to stay home for a whole weekend, and I am really looking foward to seeing these friends and other reasons.
No her breath doesn't smell bad anymore.
Its not firm, it's not too soft either. It's not bloated but I can feel all the seeds. The crop feels perfectly fine except its not going down..
She has been in the house for almost a week. Having loads of tlc.
Ok it sounds like she has an impacted crop. Massage her crop for 3-5 minutes a couple times a day and the problem should go away within the week. An impacted crop can be caused by long strands of grass that get twisted in the crop. If you feed them pulled grass you should start to cut them into small chicken bite sized pieces.
Ok it sounds like she has an impacted crop. Massage her crop for 3-5 minutes a couple times a day and the problem should go away within the week. An impacted crop can be caused by long strands of grass that get twisted in the crop. If you feed them pulled grass you should start to cut them into small chicken bite sized pieces.
I thought the grass was what caused Sour crop haha. Okay I will do that.

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