Recommend US company for gift please?


9 Years
May 31, 2015
North Wales, UK
My Coop
My Coop
Hi everyone

Hopefully this is in the right place and doesn't contravene any forum rules but I have to ask here as you guys are the most helpful people I know in the USA :)

I'm in the UK and I want to send a gift to someone in the USA. Gift recipient is in NY state if that makes a difference.

Google is failing me, but I'd like to send a small case of beer sort of thing but all the results just come back as UK companies shipping to the USA (expensive) or the odd US company charging $100 for three bottles (maybe it is that expensive for decent beer - I don't drink it!).

Looking for recommendations - I'd probably want to spend ~$100

Thanks everyone
You are going to run up against local and state liquor laws. It is often more complicated or illegal to ship alcohol over state lines. Your best bet is to look for New York microbreweries. In the Co-19 world most have adapted and expanded to include home delivery. It does require the receiver to be present and prove they are of legal drinking age so it does kill the surprise.
Can't help on NY beers. Now if your friend was in Colorado...
Typically a 6 pack of craft beers should run about $15. Double that for shipping and you will be out the door for $50.

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