Rasing Doves for Meat?


Jan 8, 2019
Hello, I had been considering keeping pigeons for use as meat to feed us and the dogs however, we live in city limits. The city says that pigeons are not allowed as they are fowl, but doves are allowed. Is it worth it to keep doves (domestic ringnecks) for meat? Or should I try to write an exception letter for pigeons and present it to the city council? If doves would be acceptable, can they eat chicken feed (layer pellets)? And can they be kept together like pigeons or do pairs need their own cages?
Hello, I had been considering keeping pigeons for use as meat to feed us and the dogs however, we live in city limits. The city says that pigeons are not allowed as they are fowl, but doves are allowed. Is it worth it to keep doves (domestic ringnecks) for meat? Or should I try to write an exception letter for pigeons and present it to the city council? If doves would be acceptable, can they eat chicken feed (layer pellets)? And can they be kept together like pigeons or do pairs need their own cages?
I would recommend quail instead of doves. They're easier to keep and raise, and can be confined. They also don't usually count as "fowl". No idea why though. 🤣
I would recommend quail instead of doves. They're easier to keep and raise, and can be confined. They also don't usually count as "fowl". No idea why though. 🤣
Unfortunatly quail or other gamebirds are not allowed. I would love to have coturnix otherwise.
Oh ok.
Doves can eat a gamebird type feed.
I don't know if it's really worth it to raise them for meat, but you can try.
I'll tag @biophiliac , they might be able to help.
Good luck!
If anything I suppose I could write an exception letter for quail, that might go over better than pigeons (As we have many feral pigeons in town). Honestly I doubt they would enforce it as I know people have chickens and pigeons in town illegally, and at one point I had four dogs (without knowing that you are only supposed to have two). No one ever said anything. Do you think quail (coturnix) would produce better than pigeons?
If anything I suppose I could write an exception letter for quail, that might go over better than pigeons (As we have many feral pigeons in town). Honestly I doubt they would enforce it as I know people have chickens and pigeons in town illegally, and at one point I had four dogs (without knowing that you are only supposed to have two). No one ever said anything. Do you think quail (coturnix) would produce better than pigeons?
If they allowed you to, yes, quail are better. They can be eaten within just 6-7 weeks of hatching, where as doves need a lot of care as babies and shouldn't be eaten until they're older.
They also lay lots of eggs very reliably, and can be kept in small spaces.
If they allowed you to, yes, quail are better. They can be eaten within just 6-7 weeks of hatching, where as doves need a lot of care as babies and shouldn't be eaten until they're older.
They also lay lots of eggs very reliably, and can be kept in small spaces.
For the reasons quoted above definitely go with quail over doves or pigeons for meat production. IMO.
I would not go with doves... the minuscule amount of meat you would get from them is not worth the hassle. As far as pigeons vs quail... pigeons (squab) are butchered around 30-40 days of age. It's right after weaning when the feathers on the underside of the wings have grown in. If you wait till they get older the meat wont be as tender. Pigeons are also great producers... especially the bigger utility breeds which are meant for meat (not including giant runts though as they aren't as good producers as others). I can't tell you much about quail as they aren't something I have kept. Wish you luck in your venture!
I wonder if button quail would be worth it (for dogs only, I know there's hardly any meat after cleaning!). I've had my eye on them for pets anyways, and I have two 47.16 x 23.62 x 19.68 rabbit cages just sitting and collecting dust. The only reason I think they might be worth it is how little they would eat, and the eggs they produce (which would also go to the dogs). Thoughts? I may just have to stick to my rabbits for meat for us, but I wanted at least one other meat animal for the dogs. If only I lived on a farm!
I wonder if button quail would be worth it (for dogs only, I know there's hardly any meat after cleaning!). I've had my eye on them for pets anyways, and I have two 47.16 x 23.62 x 19.68 rabbit cages just sitting and collecting dust. The only reason I think they might be worth it is how little they would eat, and the eggs they produce (which would also go to the dogs). Thoughts? I may just have to stick to my rabbits for meat for us, but I wanted at least one other meat animal for the dogs. If only I lived on a farm!
Coturnix would be better.
Why do you want to feed them to your dogs? Just curious.

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