Rare French Breed Chickens Bresse Now in Arizona


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 20, 2013
France's harsh laws prohibiting the export of the Bresse has kept one of Europe's poultry wonders a strictly guarded secret.

But recently Greenfire Farms was able to obtain this treasured bird and bring it to the United States.

The Bresse are known for being the best tasting chickens in the world. In Paris a finished Bresse will sell for $150-$200!

Bresse are also prolific egg layers producing lots of eggs.

Help be a steward of this exceptional breed of poultry, enjoy the large number of eggs, breed for profit, or just have the best tasting chicken in the world on your table.

The chicks are here and ready for pickup now. About 3 weeks old 2-17-2014. Quick maturing at about 16 weeks for butcher and lay early..

$35 each straight run. Price will be going up once they are old enough to sex.

Call to pickup your chicks.

If you would like chicks shipped message me and we can go from there. Non NIPI states only.

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