Random Rantings.

It never ceases to amaze me how many neighborhood types will complain about bird noises, but seem to have no problem with dang blasted mowers going every day of the week! Why on earth are they even bothering with their lawns? Just sterile, nutritionless varieties of grass that do nothing but sit there waiting to die the instant someone forgets one day of watering, or forgets to dump 20 lbs of poisons on it so the frail, defenseless, useless lawn grass doesn't have to share its space with, gasp!, a dandelion weed. Oh, the horror of something useful and nutritious sharing space with a lawn that couldn't even support an insect. Not that insects could move in, anyway - oh no, they've got poisons for that, too, because God forbid actual nature exist!

But I haven't even gotten to the good part! Oh no. I'm fine with folks living their sterile lives on their sterile lawns - just try not to urban sprawl your way on over in my direction. No, what gets me, what really irks me to the point that I feel an irrational desire to rant like a loon online, is that you, in your sterile world with your two trees manicured to perfection so that there's not a nesting spot in sight for any songbirds unfortunate enough to live in such an area, then get on the phone with me, and listen to me recount my day and how many pine trees I have to go in and chop down so as not to be engulfed in them because they grow like weeds on steroids . . . you hear me say this, and you then say, "Well, I hope you're planting another tree for every tree you cut down. It's important to keep balance in the environment."

It never ceases to amaze me how many neighborhood types will complain about bird noises, but seem to have no problem with dang blasted mowers going every day of the week! Why on earth are they even bothering with their lawns? Just sterile, nutritionless varieties of grass that do nothing but sit there waiting to die the instant someone forgets one day of watering, or forgets to dump 20 lbs of poisons on it so the frail, defenseless, useless lawn grass doesn't have to share its space with, gasp!, a dandelion weed. Oh, the horror of something useful and nutritious sharing space with a lawn that couldn't even support an insect. Not that insects could move in, anyway - oh no, they've got poisons for that, too, because God forbid actual nature exist!

But I haven't even gotten to the good part! Oh no. I'm fine with folks living their sterile lives on their sterile lawns - just try not to urban sprawl your way on over in my direction. No, what gets me, what really irks me to the point that I feel an irrational desire to rant like a loon online, is that you, in your sterile world with your two trees manicured to perfection so that there's not a nesting spot in sight for any songbirds unfortunate enough to live in such an area, then get on the phone with me, and listen to me recount my day and how many pine trees I have to go in and chop down so as not to be engulfed in them because they grow like weeds on steroids . . . you hear me say this, and you then say, "Well, I hope you're planting another tree for every tree you cut down. It's important to keep balance in the environment."

Ah, I'm regretting posting this now, but it was super cathartic! I really don't have anything against folks and whatever they decide to do with their lawns (though the constant sounds of mowers is another issue entirely), but having a friend get so offended that I cut down some scraggly pines on forested land . . . it was weird, and it brought out the loony rantiness in me. :idunno
I. Hate. Ads.
I have always hated them. Things in the sidebar of the weather website, advertising fancy new bidets, or advertising the latest iphone. I get that companies have to advertise, and I get that they do need to get their latest butt spraying apparatus out there. Making it obnoxious, adding fifty different ads right in the lines of text on a website I use, and slapping a giant video isn't gonna make me want to buy your product. Hence my use of a ad blocker on the majority of websites.

It's not just digital ads that annoy me. It's ones in real life. I can stand you putting your ad up in a bus stop. Fine. Not a big deal, not too big, just enough so people can see it. But I hate billboards. They're everywhere. I am tired of them. At least I can go on my street, and there's none. Until today. I go outside. There is a neighbor a few houses down. They have a yellow truck. I don't know what they use this yellow truck for. It's not a pickup. It's like a small moving company truck. This truck is known to me as the yellow box truck. Until today. I look down the street. And this truck has a GIANT banner advertising fast food on it. Both on the front, and the sides. And it's not the fact that it's in Spanish that is bothering me. It's the fact that it is obnoxious, it's ugly, and it's a ad. In a unnecessary spot. Right in front of whoever on earth lives across that house's front window. It's a eyeasaurus. I understand that people have to make money somehow. But I feel that putting a movable billboard parked on the street is a bad thing to do. I am not saying the person who's being paid to do this is a bad person. What I have a problem with is everything being a place to slap a advertisement. Advertisements have a place they belong. I'm fine with them at a bus stop. I'm fine with them being posted on the bulletin boards that everyone can see. Fine. But I don't like having stuff rubbed in my face every time I go for a ride in the car, or now, every time I want a beautiful sunset picture, which I have gotten plenty of, and now I'm going to have to ensure the truck doesn't get in the photo or I edit out the ad on it since I am picky that way.

Thank you for taking the time to read my unhinged midnight rant. It's around 12:09 AM on 5/27/2024 here, and I am tired. If any of this makes no sense, pay no heed to it. I can be nonsensical late at night. I have wanted to rant to someone about how much I hate ads, how much I hate stuff that breaks, and I figured I might as well dump it in my own random rantings thread.

Good night, and get your rest, unlike me.
Thank you for taking the time to read my unhinged midnight rant. It's around 12:09 AM on 5/27/2024 here, and I am tired. If any of this makes no sense, pay no heed to it. I can be nonsensical late at night. I have wanted to rant to someone about how much I hate ads, how much I hate stuff that breaks, and I figured I might as well dump it in my own random rantings thread.

Good night, and get your rest, unlike me.
Sounds like me.

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