ramp size ?


Expecting Miracles
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
One of my new 11 mo old pullets refuses to use the ramp.
My two-year-old hen, and the other 11 month old pullet are just fine with it.
Should I replace it with a wider ramp? Do the little step pieces need to be closer together? I tried putting mealworms on every step board but the other chickens got them.
I think width-wise is fine. We have two ramps and our slats are double what yours are, but ours are silkies.

Ours are inside the coop but since yours is outside, could you put a little lantern just inside the coop for a couple of days?

This is when it was new so of course it all looks so pretty lol. There is now another row of nest boxes below those and another ramp. I think ours are actually slightly narrower than yours.


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One of my new 11 mo old pullets refuses to use the ramp.
My two-year-old hen, and the other 11 month old pullet are just fine with it.
You got both these birds at the same time, how long ago?
Is the bird not using the ramp maybe lower on the pecking order and afraid to go up to the coop? I'm assuming the climbing the ramp is a roost time problem?

Should I replace it with a wider ramp? Do the little step pieces need to be closer together?
My ramps are all ~12" wide and the cleats are 4-6" apart.
Still have had to 'train' chicks to use them, I sprinkle scratch grains on the ramps.
You got both these birds at the same time, how long ago?
Is the bird not using the ramp maybe lower on the pecking order and afraid to go up to the coop? I'm assuming the climbing the ramp is a roost time problem?

My ramps are all ~12" wide and the cleats are 4-6" apart.
Still have had to 'train' chicks to use them, I sprinkle scratch grains on the ramps.
thanks for your reply. I got them one week ago from the same friend that I got my original 2 chocolate Orps from.. but one of them died recently, and the one I had alone was trying frantically to escape.
So I got these two and they seem to be getting along fine. One of them named Betty is Buddy buddy with my older hen Stella., the problem bird named Hattie, Doesn’t want to go up the ramp at all, not just at roosting time, but also to lay an egg she goes into the duck house.
She’s been laying in the duck house and also trying to go in at night with the ducks.
I’ve been catching her and putting her carefully in the middle of the ramp and she freaks out, but I’ve been able to maintain her forward view by putting my hands on both sides of her and she slowly goes up the ramp into the house.
Last night she was running around the yard, trying to jump up inside of small trees and bushes, I think she knows if she goes to the duck house I will just catch her there.
I actually had to get my dog to help me find her and use a flashlight. It was getting so late.
i added more steps to the ramp now they are 3 1/2 inches apart instead of 7 inches apart. I wonder if it will make any difference and oh i forgot to say that Hattie was trying to get into the chicken coop by flying directly at the door and then her chest would crash into the side of the ramp and she fell down. I saw her do this a few times so she was actually trying to get into the chicken coop without using the ramp so I don’t think she’s afraid to go in the coop. I think she’s just afraid of the ramp.
Good plan to add more cleats to the ramp. You might consider sanding down those 90* edges on each of the cleats--all mine are chamfered down so no sharp edges. You can also try adding rubber mat strips in between the cleats for better traction and showing a distinction between cleats and ramp base in terms of color/texture.
Good plan to add more cleats to the ramp. You might consider sanding down those 90* edges on each of the cleats--all mine are chamfered down so no sharp edges. You can also try adding rubber mat strips in between the cleats for better traction and showing a distinction between cleats and ramp base in terms of color/texture.
that’s a good idea, i can do that . she finally walked up the ramp last night! and again today to lay her egg!
she finally walked up the ramp last night! and again today to lay her egg!

Hattie was trying to get into the chicken coop by flying directly at the door and then her chest would crash into the side of the ramp and she fell down.
About half of mine prefer to fly up and down. I wonder if something is wrong with her eyesight to crash into the ramp that way? That just doesn't seem right.

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