Ramp for Duck Pool?

Enchanted Sunrise Farms

12 Years
Apr 26, 2007
Fair Oaks, California
i use a 60" kiddie pool for my duck pond. i have a drain in one end for easy emptying. i have pavers stacked so my ducks can walk up to the top and get in. Those are fine, they are stationary and don't need to be moved. Then i have pavers stacked right inside the pool so when they get out, they can step and balance on those, then walk down the exterior paver stairs. Those inside pavers are the problem, as i need to pull those out when i drain, then tip and squirt out the pool. The pavers are heavy and it's hard for me to lift them anymore.

So i'm looking for ideas for some lightweight kind of ramp for inside the pool so my ducks have something to help them out of the water. i thought i saw a picture once of someone using something plastic with holes in it. Can't find that now. i'm sure some ducks would be able to get out without a ramp. But my Cayuga broke her leg several years back and needs the help.

Thank you for any ideas or suggestions.
What we use for all of our ramps is just a wood board with small strips of wood going horizontally across like a ladder so the birds do not slip. It is lightweight. I'm not quite sure if I'm picturing your situation right...but there is an idea. :)
You were looking for light weight but we use patio blocks that are grooved inside of the pool with larger rocks in the pool for the babies just in case they couldn't get out. On the outside we use a board my 3 day olds get in and out expertly.
Thank you so much for the replies. Sorry, i should have included pictures. See, inside the pool i have three large pavers, then a half paver then a flatish rock. They are so heavy and i really kill my back lifting them out and back in. i would be cleaning this pool much more often if it wasn't so hard.

I'm threatening to build a deck around part of it. With a hinged ramp that flips over the pool edge.
Here is what I did -
Boards for steps & 1/4" hardware cloth for inside the pool.
I had to drain it this evening, the rain! We've had turned pool total green.

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Here is what I did -
Boards for steps & 1/4" hardware cloth for inside the pool.
I had to drain it this evening, the rain! We've had turned pool total green.

Yes, great stairs- simple too. Are those Golden 300's?

@enchanted Try putting just one rock in there - I have a similar set up and my girls do just fine getting in and out with one rock. Although if you have ducklings that wouldn't work.
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Khaki Cambells.

When I drain the pool the girls all go running & jump in - they know fresh water is next. They were pretty bummed when I stuck a cinder block inside & no water (we're expecting storms today)

When the pool is full they just hop on the hardware cloth & walk out. The steps w/ cloth ramp attached are easy to take away & hose off.

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