rain barrell &goldfish

I wouldn't use it for chicken water, only for the garden. Chlorine just evaporates
so quickly and is so effective. It's one of the only chemicals I'll keep in my house.
I believe chlorine is illegal in Germany due to it being a know carcinogen. I love
my fresh well water.

Do they sell goldfish bowls the size of rainbarrels? If so I'm gonna run out and buy
one after reading this thread.
My dad brought me a 55 gallon plastic barrel about a month ago to use for a rain barrell. I was wondering today what I could do to keep the water from getting stagnant! This thread is timed perfectly. Since that barrel will be drained in the winter, I guess I will get me a couple (m & F) Betta fish!

I was able to use water from my barrel today to water my garden and ducks for the first time. I have "city" water and it is $$ so I am very happy about this option!
I keep fish in my horse waterers. I was feeding minnows to my chickens, and just happened to dump about 5 into our big water trough. Checked the other day and there were about 30 of them in there. LOL

I just skimmed minnows off of our pond. You can buy them at the bait stores too, just get the small ones.

I chose these because I get them free(skimming of the pond with a pool skimmer) and they are wild and hardy. They are doing fine so far and even reproducing. When there gets to be too many in the trough, I'll just filter some of them out with a net and throw them to the chickens.

We have had a goldfish in half a wooden barrel. It's just one little fantail in there with a bunch of floating water plants and he has been in there for over 5 years now. Still doing fine and dandy.

Another option would be to just put several drops of olive oil in the rain barrel. It will put a light sheen on top of the water and will keep mosquitoes larvae from breathing (they come to the surface to breath) and it's environmentally friendly (biodegradable). I have used it and it works great.

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