RABBITS AND CHICKENS please(update 4/10)


My Girls
13 Years
Jun 11, 2009
we have a house rabbit thats destroyed everything from wood work to wires to walls etc.
he is about 5 yrs old. living the good life.
now he refuses to use his potty trained box and peeing on the bottom of the cage and poop is now everywhere. ive had it.
i love him, i really do,,,, but hes destroying everything.
so i have placed him in his large cage in the new additoin chicken coop.
he will have company during the day/night.
now he is going to be living with 6 baby chicks about 7 weeks old.
he is very familiar with chickens, as they lived in the house till the coops were complete.
he loved it.
i really think he wants company.
i am not planning on getting him a girlfirned, he already had one, she passed away 2 years ago. so hes been fine alone. really he is never alone so to speak.
so this brings me to the question, if already answered from previsous people asking the same thing, well i am sorry then. so how will they get along? does anyone have pics of their chickens and rabbits housed together?
i have a porch, which during nice days, oreo (thats his name) can hang out with the family. run about freely. that would be a few hours each day.
any feedback is soooooo appriciated!

thanks again!

4/10 update! I have made the tough yet good decision (ithink) to bring oreo back in the house.
After missing him terribly and my husband missed him too, i checked on him outside in the cage in the coop. he looked sad.
i cant explain it.
he has never been caged in his life.
i felt i was doing this to save our home. however i want my pets/animals to be happy.
soooo i took him back in the house, and you know what!! he is now using his litter box as once trained before!!! i cant believe it! its like he said,,,"i must use the box or mom is gonna put me back out there with them "
Even my husband is happier about mr.oreo being back in the house.
I put a new rug for him on the floor. and put some card board peices on the walll. (incase he wants to chew them again)
It doesnt look attrractive but i dont care. because when all said and done.. its my home.. our home...

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Please don't put the rabbit with the chickens. There is a good chance he/she can hurt them. They can also hurt him by pecking at his eyes. He can pick coccidia and e coli up from them too. Their dietary needs are also different as rabbits cannot eat chicken feed. Did you have him tested for a urine infection? A lot of times that is the reason why an animal stops using the litter box. Is he neutered? You need to bunny proof everything when you keep one inside in the house, and supervise them when they are let out of the cage. Maybe one of the pet rabbit owner son here can help with bunny proofing suggestions.
I'd also like to add to the above post that a male rabbit will go a bit out of his mind without a woman around to supress his aggression. A girlfriend may be a good idea instead. You could put them both outside in their own enclosure, but I would not have one with chickens that had never lived in such arrangements as in sharing the same quarters...it's just too dangerous for the animals health. That's just my opinion.
hi ,
what if the rabbit was in the cage and the cage was inside the coop?
the rabbit would only have access to his own food/water.
he is going on 6 years old in november.
getting him a girlfriend. although great idear maybe the key.
but we just finished the coop and theres alot of space.
i just took him out and put him on the back porch to roam about.
yeah, i know rabbits are not suppose to eat chicken food, but have a friend with a lop male rabbit that will not eat when in a cage above the chickens, but thrives when placed on the ground with the chickens, eating the scratch, so i guess you do whatever works.
Chicken feed is not healthy for them period. This isn't a "whatever works" its more along the lines that they need to be fed what they are supposed to eat to keep them healthy. Which would be rabbit feed. Chicken feed is way too high in protein and corn. Which can cause some pretty severe intestinal issues. Your friends rabbit may be doing OK but probably not healthy when compared to the condition of a rabbit fed pellets. Its not something thats recommended to feed your rabbits within the rabbit breeding community. Most are fed pellets. Some are grazed. Everything else including grains are fed in very small amounts as treats and conditioners.Rabbits need something that is high fiber and low in protein to keep them healthy. Chickens need feed that is the exact opposite. low in fiber, high in protein.

Op the rabbit will be fine in his own cage in the coop as long as the chickens don't have access to him. They will enjoy picking up the extra feed if he spills. I would still take this bunny to a rabbit savy vet first to make sure he doesn't have a urine infection. Glad you are not going to let him run loose with the chickies. BTW chickens can eat rabbit feed as long as its not a whole lot of it. Makes an excellent conditioner for them.
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i am not planning on giving the rabbit chicken food at all

Sorry that wasn't to you. To the person saying whatever works.
I have housed rabbits and chickens together in the same coop many times. Rabbits in their cages and the chickens milling about loose in the coop and have never had a problem. Have NEVER had ANY disease that would pass between species. Hope this helps. Plus the chickens help clean up wasted rabbit food and also keep the mice either at bay or they have them for lunch.

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