R-Com Incubator help, please


12 Years
May 4, 2009
Anyone have an R-Com Max 20 incubator that may be able to help? I purchased one off of ebay at a great price, however, it doesn't seem to be heating properly. Hoping someone may be able to give me some tips on what to check? Otherwise I'll be returning it. Thank you in advance for any help!
I have one, but had no problems with heating in it. But...

One thing to check before you return it - make sure you have the top on correctly/snuggly. Sounds silly, but I was incubating and after candling I couldn't get the temp to get back up. I was freaking out. Then I realized I had set the top back on slightly off center, and there was a gap. It can happen if the top goes on backwards, too - doesn't fit right.

That's the only thing I can offer. If that's not it, I would totally return it.
Thank you for the help. I fiddled with it some more, including the factory reset option and it is now maintaining the heat. Could have very well have been the lid issue. Thank you again and I'll make sure the lid sits properly in the future.
Super! Glad to hear it! The lid thing is hard to see if it's not seated correctly. (That happens with other brands as well - I have a Brinsea, it can happen there, too, so it's a generally good thing to double check after opening the incubator to candle, etc.)

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