Quotes and Thoughts for the Day


What a great picture!
"Autism Awareness Month....because Autism isn't just a word, it's a special little person"

I have a friend who has Autism. He's so sweet and nice but a lot of my other friends think he's weird. He's incredibly smart and he loves playing with other kids but they really don't know what to do with him. I'm trying to tell them that he isn't really that bad. He can be really fun.
I have a friend who has Autism. He's so sweet and nice but a lot of my other friends think he's weird. He's incredibly smart and he loves playing with other kids but they really don't  know what to do with him. I'm trying to tell them that he isn't really that bad. He can be really fun.

Yeah, I have a younger friend with a touch of autism, he is about 5 years younger than me and I used to think he was weird, but I spent a weekend with him a few weeks ago and realized he was really sweet and smart, he just wants to be accepted by other kids.

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