Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

A quick photo series to let you know how Kyle's appointment at Children's went yesterday....

The ultrasound with "Giant Squid" accompanying Kyle:

The reading of the certificate that states Kyle is done with his chemo:

Kyle ringing the bell to signify he is done with chemo!!!

Me crying:
...and then jubilation:

There will be monitoring and a six month wait to remove his port. God is good....God is able...and we are trusting His will for Kyle. Thank you doesn't seem like enough to say but I have no other words. Thank you Team BYC!

Happy dance for him!!

A quick photo series to let you know how Kyle's appointment at Children's went yesterday.... The ultrasound with "Giant Squid" accompanying Kyle: The reading of the certificate that states Kyle is done with his chemo: Kyle ringing the bell to signify he is done with chemo!!! Me crying: :hit ...and then jubilation: :weee :ya :yiipchick There will be monitoring and a six month wait to remove his port. God is good....God is able...and we are trusting His will for Kyle. Thank you doesn't seem like enough to say but I have no other words. Thank you Team BYC!
What truly wonderful news this is! Kyle is a true inspiration. His positivity and strength through it all, just shows the triumphant power of the human spirit.
He's our little champion!
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