Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Hi everyone, I'm going to have the two lesions surgically removed for biopsy next week. I'm booked in for surgery Thursday, quick in-and-out procedure thankfully. The dermatologist didn't say anything alarming, except that they "are VERY black", same as the last one. We'll have to take this a day at a time and see how it goes… 
Oh no! Well, hopefully they will be removed with no complications and won't come back! Will be praying.
Hi everyone, I'm going to have the two lesions surgically removed for biopsy next week. I'm booked in for surgery Thursday, quick in-and-out procedure thankfully. The dermatologist didn't say anything alarming, except that they "are VERY black", same as the last one. We'll have to take this a day at a time and see how it goes…
Hope all goes well
Hi everyone, I'm going to have the two lesions surgically removed for biopsy next week. I'm booked in for surgery Thursday, quick in-and-out procedure thankfully. The dermatologist didn't say anything alarming, except that they "are VERY black", same as the last one. We'll have to take this a day at a time and see how it goes…

Your are always in my prayers.....extras will be said for you next week.
Thanks everyone
I am not looking forward to this at all, but after the last one, I figured better safe than sorry. Hoping these will turn out to be benign

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