Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Hi guys,

Beautiful quotes! I hope everyone is doing well.

I'm not sure if this is a good place to post, but I have a request: could you please pray for my rabbit, Barclay? Some people fractured his back (on purpose) at a junior rabbit show a week ago. He's getting pain/anti inflammatory medication, but the prognosis isn't good. This rabbit means so much to me, both because of his temperament as well as his excellent show career. I don't have any babies from him yet since i was planning on breeding him in the fall. Now I/he may never get the chance.
I am soo sorry. What kind of person would purposely hurt a rabbit.
I will be praying.
Hi everyone! I've heard about this thread and then today was looking through the "recent posts" and found it. I think it might help give me some pick-me-up each day. :)
Hi guys,

Beautiful quotes! I hope everyone is doing well.

I'm not sure if this is a good place to post, but I have a request: could you please pray for my rabbit, Barclay? Some people fractured his back (on purpose) at a junior rabbit show a week ago. He's getting pain/anti inflammatory medication, but the prognosis isn't good. This rabbit means so much to me, both because of his temperament as well as his excellent show career. I don't have any babies from him yet since i was planning on breeding him in the fall. Now I/he may never get the chance. :hit

That's so awful! Prayers for you and your rabbit! :hugs
I'm so shocked and saddened by this. The poor thing is probably not feeling well, hence the slow appetite. I really hope he'll recover fully, or at the very least enable you to breed with him. Do you know who was responsible for the attack?
No, we don't know who was responsible (though we have some suspects). Chances are no one will be caught--this year. Unfortunately, I'm leaving on a 10 day 4-H trip, so I won't see Barclay for that long. My parents will be taking care of him. I just hope he's ok.
Welcome henny1129! :frow

Thanks Nicky! :)


I'm so shocked and saddened by this. The poor thing is probably not feeling well, hence the slow appetite. I really hope he'll recover fully, or at the very least enable you to breed with him. Do you know who was responsible for the attack? 

No, we don't know who was responsible (though we have some suspects). Chances are no one will be caught--this year. Unfortunately, I'm leaving on a 10 day 4-H trip, so I won't see Barclay for that long. My parents will be taking care of him. I just hope he's ok.

Aww... I will pray for him.
Hi guys,

Beautiful quotes! I hope everyone is doing well.

I'm not sure if this is a good place to post, but I have a request: could you please pray for my rabbit, Barclay? Some people fractured his back (on purpose) at a junior rabbit show a week ago. He's getting pain/anti inflammatory medication, but the prognosis isn't good. This rabbit means so much to me, both because of his temperament as well as his excellent show career. I don't have any babies from him yet since i was planning on breeding him in the fall. Now I/he may never get the chance.

Oh I'm so sorry! I will be praying every single minute of the day. Hugs for you. Did you catch the people who did it? Who would do that? Sorry again

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