Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Hello everyone, hope everyone is well. I have been out of touch since Wednesday; just got caught up with the thread, 28 pages.

Here is the reason for my absence, my 1st grand daughter Miss Peighton Amelia; born 3/31/16.

Oh my goodness, Ken, she's gorgeous!
Hello everyone, hope everyone is well. I have been out of touch since Wednesday; just got caught up with the thread, 28 pages.

Here is the reason for my absence, my 1st grand daughter Miss Peighton Amelia; born 3/31/16.

What a doll! Congratulations!!
Well, I had good news after having the mammo and ultra sound today. Radiologists says, you're cancer free, see you in 1 yr. Whew, what a relief..more than I thought, because I kind of broke down in the dressing room after.
Go to a store after, get a phone call. A gal says, after the dr. went into the dark room to look at them again, he has decided that you should come back in 6 months to have the mammo again. What? That's mean. Just mean. Anyway, won't worry about it too much. The gal that was doing the ultra sound had done this for 22 yrs. As soon as she got a good look at it, she says, it doesn't look concerning. She's seen a lot of these. When the dr. said 1 yr..I made the comment..a yr...not 6 months? Hmm, wonder if he thought he best since I said something. Who knows. Oct. it is. Then we will know for sure. :)

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