Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Hi Sumi how's everything across the pond?
@Bowleggedcowboy Things are o.k.
Had a bumpy few months, but it passed and we're still here. How have you been?
Hi everyone just wanted to drop by and say hello and leave ya something to think about. Hope all are having a blessed weekend.

We should all be open to correction whether it is from the Bible, from a teaching or from a friend. None of us have it all right. Right and wrong does not come from culture. Just because there is legalized gambling doesn't mean it is a good thing. Just look at society as an example. What was called abnormal in the1970's and 80's is now considered normal. This is why we should always form our opinions and our choices in life on God's Word.

We don't always see the WHY we should or shouldn't do something but that does not negate our responsibility to obey. Even if it's hard, uncomfortable or even costly, we should be willing to change for the sake of our Lord and King. The good news is that when we walk in obedience, we will find great blessing.

Wild Bill! It's great to see you here again!
@sunny & the 5 egg layers
Hi there, thanks for asking. Alex is doing great. He's fixing to have his first birthday here in a couple of weeks. Can't believe its been a year already.
How are you and the rest of the family?

We are hanging in there. Thanks for asking.

Alex is growing up! Still as cute as a button. Thanks for sharing the picture. :)
I've been doing good Sarah thanks!

And how've you been? I guess y'all are busy at the lodge?

That's great to hear.

I've been good, however the whole family is sick right now.:/  We're busy remodeling rooms and preparing them for summer but business isn't crazy as of now, thankfully.

Sorry to hear that
Hope everyone is feeling better real soon.

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