Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Hello everyone. We have some good news
A few weeks ago I went to pick out a new rooster. I was hoping for an older guy, but ended up with a 4-5 month cockerel. He was one of 8 boys that were all supposed to be girls haha So far he is such a keeper. He has a lot of qualities that remind me of my old rooster and the gals love him. This week one of the gals actually started laying again. After the incident with the weasel (we caught two in the past few weeks) I didn't think they would lay until spring. This new rooster has helped them come around and start wandering the yard again. And lucky for him he spent his first free range days with my older gals. I ordered new ducklings for spring and am debating whether to purchase chicks or see if my remaining hens will hatch a few. I'm hesitant to let them hatch because I lost my most special mother hen. But maybe I'm not giving them enough credit and they'll do just as good. Beyond that I hope everything is going well for everyone!
Hello everyone.  We have some good news :)  A few weeks ago I went to pick out a new rooster.  I was hoping for an older guy, but ended up with a 4-5 month cockerel.  He was one of 8 boys that were all supposed to be girls haha So far he is such a keeper.  He has a lot of qualities that remind me of my old rooster and the gals love him.  This week one of the gals actually started laying again.  After the incident with the weasel (we caught two in the past few weeks) I didn't think they would lay until spring.  This new rooster has helped them come around and start wandering the yard again.  And lucky for him he spent his first free range days with my older gals.  I ordered new ducklings for spring and am debating whether to purchase chicks or see if my remaining hens will hatch a few.  I'm hesitant to let them hatch because I lost my most special mother hen.  But maybe I'm not giving them enough credit and they'll do just as good.  Beyond that I hope everything is going well for everyone!

That's wonderful news! I'm so glad to hear that your girls are laying again. :ya
Hi Shannon! Nice to hear all your good news

What breed of ducklings did you order? I'm hoping to get some for the first time this spring. Great news about your new rooster!
Love all the quotes. And, do I see a new puppy in someone's avatar? Maybe it's been there for a while, I haven't been on here for a couple of days. Have been busy and also trying to keep up on the NYD hatch a long. It was great catching up reading all of the quotes. Always great reminders, and great things to ponder..and sometimes there are great fuunies!


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