Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Not sugar free here. We are from the mindset of either we do raw honey, maple syrup and molasses for baking and cooking. We stick to real sugar not any of the fake crap, like going for a local homemade ice cream! We just try not to have a lot of sweets in the house. When we get a craving for something sweet I can make a nice gluten free no added sugar fudge browny or gluten free banana bread. Stuff like that.
I really do understand. Did you know that honey is the only "raw" sugar that can be legally sold in the United States? It is because when it is room temperature it has a sugar acid level that inhibits bacterial growth and when you refrigerate it it's density is not conducive to bacterial growth. Everything else that claims to be "raw" sugar is actually processed sugar with either molasses or edible coloring added to give it that beige color. You do have to be careful with honey though if you have people in the house with certain plant allergies. Like if someone is allergic to pollens produced by clover then clover honey could be very unhealthy for them. Molasses is a by-product of the refining of sugarcane or sugar beets into sugar so essentially it is what is left AFTER sugar has been processed.
I really do understand. Did you know that honey is the only "raw" sugar that can be legally sold in the United States? It is because when it is room temperature it has a sugar acid level that inhibits bacterial growth and when you refrigerate it it's density is not conducive to bacterial growth. Everything else that claims to be "raw" sugar is actually processed sugar with either molasses or edible coloring added to give it that beige color. You do have to be careful with honey though if you have people in the house with certain plant allergies. Like if someone is allergic to pollens produced by clover then clover honey could be very unhealthy for them. Molasses is a[COLOR=252525] by-product of the refining[/COLOR] of sugarcane or sugar beets into sugar so essentially it is what is left AFTER sugar has been processed.

Wow, I did not know that about Molasses, good thing we don't use a ton of it. On the honey, we have hives on our property. The honey is never heated past the temp of the hives, the honey from last year was very unique. I think it was all the herbs and veggies we had growing. Interesting facts about raw honey as well, thanks!
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