Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Good morning! Great posts as usual :)

You have no idea how glad I am to see a few animal puns so early hehe

Yesterday I mentioned I was lucky my SO can tolerate corny jokes...he found payback. He's been calling me his oompa loompa since last night. We can never attempt to watch the old Willy Wonka ever again

For you Shannon! It actually sounds like a good thing
to be, an Oompa Loompa!
Hi everyone, goodness 53 new posts since this morning
Had a mad busy day and am now listening to music to keep me awake and desperately trying to remember what I promised who I'll do today

You gardeners must hop over our gardening sister site, The EasyGarden.com Awesome community (and seed contacts) over there.
Hi Sumi! Hope you had a wonderful day! Music always helps me wake up! lol

@Mountain Peeps
Going OK Sarah! Beautiful day here in South Georgia wish I wasn't at work so I could enjoy it doing something else!!
Good to hear!
I think I've been spending too much time in the garden, these gnome jokes are cracking me up!

Hi everyone, goodness 53 new posts since this morning :)  Had a mad busy day and am now listening to music to keep me awake and desperately trying to remember what I promised who I'll do today :/  

You gardeners must hop over our gardening sister site, The EasyGarden.com Awesome community (and seed contacts) over there.

I'm on there.
Great site, great people.
Jan & WB, the tobacco/soap spray is an interesting idea (as long as it doesn't hurt the tomatoey things). What I really like is the supersoaker idea! No kids to use it at this house so, gee, guess I'll just have to get my own and blast away! The neighbors already wonder about us, why not give them something new to talk about?
Super soaker commercial says fun for all ages, so soak away. If neighbors complain, soak them too.
I need one of those… I really need one of those. The darn tenants drove over my hosepipe too many times. I tried to water the garden yesterday and ended up wetter than the plants

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