Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

I'm sorry for your loss Patti and I hope everything works out for the best Tracy

Good morning everyone.

After work I ordered one buff orpington and one easter egger.  This will be my only easter egger and I can't wait to see those fat cheeks.  I get to pick them up next Monday.

Unfortunately last night my little runt, Eggness, passed away.  I gave her, her medicine and water after work.  She seemed ok and around dinner time she was even preening herself.  She hadn't done that all week so we were feeling very optimistic.  Then before bed I went to feed her again and she wouldn't take it.  I moved my hand near her eye and she didn't respond.  So we both sat down by her and within 2 minutes she was gone.  She will be missed around here, but I'm glad she's no longer suffering.

Shannon, I'm so sorry about Eggness. :hugs She sounded like a sweetheart. This is late in coming, because I've been absent from this thread. I've missed so much!
she was a joy to have around. I haven't cleared out her pen yet, she wasn't in it all week anyways. I suppose today will be that day and I'll have to lay her to rest in peace.
Sumi that house sounds great! The best thing about a fixer upper, is you can make it your own. The other listing you posted was so funny. I wonder how log it took the person to think up such positive things about a ruin. You couldn't pay me, to mess with the Hawthorne. I have one in the backyard, that is a nasty tree.
Quote: Bill, I've done some rough maths and if we have to throw in repairs like roofs and wiring etc it's going to end up costing us the same or more as some of the other properties I'm watching, minus the labour. Though it would be an awesome project, I'm thinking of practical matters now and cash outlay, which is a grey area and I don't like grey areas when it comes to large sums of money!

There is another property about 25 miles from that one that I've been watching for some time now that is a true bargain, whichever way you look at it. It has more land (3.5 acres) too and it's in a really stunning area that I know from when we stayed there. I also have an agent in Co Cork that is looking for a suitable property for me and I have yet to see what she's got in mind. So I'm definitely keeping my options open.
Sumi that house sounds great! The best thing about a fixer upper, is you can make it your own. The other listing you posted was so funny. I wonder how log it took the person to think up such positive things about a ruin. You couldn't pay me, to mess with the Hawthorne. I have one in the backyard, that is a nasty tree.
I'd take hawthorne over Irish nettles any day… Ours are quite tame by comparison!

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