Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Good morning everyone.

After work I ordered one buff orpington and one easter egger. This will be my only easter egger and I can't wait to see those fat cheeks. I get to pick them up next Monday.

Unfortunately last night my little runt, Eggness, passed away. I gave her, her medicine and water after work. She seemed ok and around dinner time she was even preening herself. She hadn't done that all week so we were feeling very optimistic. Then before bed I went to feed her again and she wouldn't take it. I moved my hand near her eye and she didn't respond. So we both sat down by her and within 2 minutes she was gone. She will be missed around here, but I'm glad she's no longer suffering.
Shannon, I'm sorry you lost Eggness.
At least she had a lot of love and care in her short life.

Where did you order your chicks from (if you don't mind me asking)? Hope you share a photo when you get them
Shannon, I'm sorry you lost Eggness.
At least she had a lot of love and care in her short life.

Where did you order your chicks from (if you don't mind me asking)? Hope you share a photo when you get them
Thank you Debby
hopefully this is the last of the issues.

I ordered from Abendroth Hatchery. It's about an hours drive so I can just pick them up. I will definitely share pictures :) I have mixed emotions today. I'm sad I lost Eggness, but I'm so excited to get a few new ones. I told my SO how this thread was a "bad" influence and we needed a few more haha
I'm sorry about Eggness Shannon but I agree with Debby she knew you loved her.

So eggciting about your chicks coming. I have 7 EE and they pluck each others breads out this is 2nd year to do it. They free range over 1/2 acre and also get meal worms and good feed so I can't imagine they are starved for protein but they pluck their muffs off.

Look forward to seeing the chicks.
Thank you Debby
hopefully this is the last of the issues.

I ordered from Abendroth Hatchery. It's about an hours drive so I can just pick them up. I will definitely share pictures :) I have mixed emotions today. I'm sad I lost Eggness, but I'm so excited to get a few new ones. I told my SO how this thread was a "bad" influence and we needed a few more haha

That's really nice you can pick up your new birds. No worries about shipping (or shipping costs).

Yep, we are an evil bunch, always willing to encourage people to get more chickens! Bwahahaha
Thanks Krista and Patti
she was spoiled. We let her live in the house this winter because of her size. I didn't think she'd survive the cold so she spent her days sleeping under the wood stove or laying next to the dogs haha And she loved snuggles. She even sat patiently with my mother for a bit, I thought she was going to try and steal her

Pattie I hope I have the best behaved EE and that she won't want to peck feathers :)
That's really nice you can pick up your new birds. No worries about shipping (or shipping costs).

Yep, we are an evil bunch, always willing to encourage people to get more chickens! Bwahahaha

It is nice. I pay a couple dollars a bird, plus a ten dollar fee for ordering under 100. And so far they have never steered me wrong. No extra roosters, no illness, just big healthy birds. (knock on wood)

I did not last long this year when I said I wouldn't get more.
I'm sorry about Eggness Shannon but I agree with Debby she knew you loved her.

So eggciting about your chicks coming. I have 7 EE and they pluck each others breads out this is 2nd year to do it. They free range over 1/2 acre and also get meal worms and good feed so I can't imagine they are starved for protein but they pluck their muffs off.

Look forward to seeing the chicks.

So speaking about EE, mine doesn't have the fat cheeks/beard. She's still an EE, right? That's what I've always called her (well, that and Beautiful, lol). Here's Tracy's photo:


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