Quietest hens?

I recommend the buff orpington too mine are pretty quiet and good layers and I haven't ever heard them do the egg song.

But my rhode island red does every time
I have a buff orpington,speckled Sussex and a Welsummer. If the three the welsummer tends to be the quietest but when all three get going with the egg song it can get pretty loud. My buff has the loudest song
So we talk about a 15 x 20 m space. Cairina moschata can deliver eggs also and is relatively silent, for a such big bird. They are much happier with a pond, that will turn a mess if small sized in no time. A couple in a medium sized pond with filter could work. A big pond is much better of course. Ducks can be noisy when startled and are very talkative all day, but at least do not sing at night by default. Some races can deliver as many eggs as a chicken.

Female pheasants and quails are also quiet but males can be noisy. Maybe you should consider bunnies or pigeons?.

In any case if you plan to have birds you will need a good way to accurately dispose of the faeces, avoid flies etc. Can be as much annoying for your neighbourgh as the sound. Bantams at least are a little less problematic in that sense. Sound is not the only thing to consider here.
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My silkies are my loudest ones.....well, one silkie in particular.....she's the boss. My quietest is probably my Ameraucana - she's SO sweet. My barred rocks always do the egg song, as do my silkies. My Ameraucana never has, and neither has my Icelandic.

I am getting an Orpington in April, I'm so excited to see what she's like! They sound so sweet.
I might as well get quail at this point because I need something ultra quiet.
That is probably a very good idea.
Some chicken breeds may be said to be quieter,
and some folks may have birds that are quieter,
but any chicken can get loud.
My SS are pretty talkative ( I only have 2), especially when we are outside with them. My neighbors can hear them, but we are packed in like sardines in a housing tract.
The houses here are packed like sardines and everything concrete so all sounds echos. I can literally hear my neighbors clipping their toenails from 12 feet away

LOL! I once had the experience of arriving early to pick up kid from an activity. Sat in car with windows down. Only one other vehicle in entire lot, several spots away. I begin reading a book, not paying attention to anything, but realize there is this loud clicking sound. My car is running, so I think "Oh No, something's wrong with my car!"... but come to realize that person in other vehicle is clipping their nails....so loud (Maybe really thick nails??) - can't imagine if it was bouncing off concrete walls as you describe!!
I might as well get quail at this point because I need something ultra quiet.

These are not necessarily quiet. I have Japanese Quail, and the boys can certainly crow - and loud. Sometimes they begin crowing at 5am, even in the dark. They settle down and don't crow much after noon. I have 5 males in 5 cages with 5 females in each cage. They are in an insulated garage, and I can hear them several rooms away, even with the metal garage door closed (and it faces away from the most of the interior of the house). Quail hens will also sing an "egg song" too, but that is not usually too loud. Some males are louder than others though, and some don't seem to do too much crowing, so like a chicken, you'll just have to wait and see what you get.

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