Question regarding chick feed


Mar 21, 2020
Okay so it's been a long while (years) since I've had chicks and decided to get some this year.
Well the pandemic is out and everything is closing, and I'm not sure what to do about food for them.

We have a 50lbs bag of chick feed and a small 10lbs bag of chick starter, but that's about it. We havent had a chance to get more as I've had strep/fever, and been concerned about work, but now the stores that sell chicken feed are closing and they're saying the pandemic might last until July or longer.
7 chicks, 3 full size, 4 banties.

I'm used to being more prepared but theres not really been a way to prepare for this as everything has happened so quickly. What alternatives can I use to feed them if I run out?

We have a full yard for grass and such and some parrot grit if we absolutely have to, but Im not even sure anymore how fast theyll go through it and if theyll be old enough to eat it.

Please and thank you anyone who can help.
Chick feed is fungible. So is all flock feed. There is very little difference among all of them as far as nutrient and protein content. Only packaging and marketing are different to fool us into spending more. What you have on hand will serve perfectly well.

The only type of feed you don't want to feed chicks is layer feed.
Thank you both! I ended up having a friend pick me up some walmart feed for the time being, another 25lb bag of chick feed, this time medicated, and layer feed for further down the line once they're older just so we have it, as well as some grit.

I'll have to order more in if they go through all of that lol
You were both a great help, thank you!

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