question on feeding quail chicks.....


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 16, 2009
I've been grinding up their food in an antique grain mill since they were born 16 days ago or long before I can stop grinding their food and let them eat the food as it comes ?

I've been slowly loosening the burrs on the grinder so it is less fine of a grind each few days, but was just curious when it is safe to let them eat it as it somes in the bag.....Thanks in advance for all coments and suggestions.....
sometimes (depending on my laziness or business) i wont even grind up for the chicks the first day even. I've never had a problem not grinding it up. Now, when I do grind it up they seem to eat more which is a good thiing ofcourse... so it's good to grind atleast the first day or two if ya can.
Put out a dish of not ground up feed and see if they eat it. No harm will come to them if it's too big. They just won't swallow it and only pick out the smaller pieces. I didn't grind up food for the coturnix chicks. Only the button chicks.
I feed all of my birds (chicken & quail) Purina Flock Raiser. It's rather small pellets, smaller than their layer feed. I only grind it for the first couple of weeks. They tend to pick at the piece until they are small enough to eat. I have very little wasted feed.
I use Dumor chick starter, and I don't grind it at all, not even for just born button quail chicks. The only thing that I "modify" is anything that I feed as extras. I have been starting to use confused flour beetles instead of mealworms, until they're big enough to handle mealies without me having to dig out the tiny ones. The catfood I actually soak to feed. I'm just not going to waste an hour a day trying to grind up enough feed for them, since my grinder is basically more like a chopper, lol. But, they all do really well like this, so I'm not about to change it and create more work for myself for no reason.
I got a coffee grinder. I feed Dumor chick starter and grind for the first week. Man these things feed like piranha, when you put the food down get you hand out of the way.

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