Question about possible Cocci (sp?) New to chickens


8 Years
Jun 16, 2011
I just got two little 2 weeks old-ish chicks like a week ago. I got what I think is a Silkie x. He seemed sleepy for a few days but then began passing dark colored, foul smelling poo, like kind of dark reddish brown and nothing solid. I watched him for a few days and he got better. Or his poo would look normal and solid and not stink most of the time. So then I got a second blue laced red wyandotte young chick. Her passings seemed fine, then they occasionally would be dark, runny and stink. Then his would periodically be foul again. They seem to both be doing better- they are alert, eating and drinking but sometimes really sleepy. And having less gross poo. I don't know what is normal chick behavior and could this possibly be cocci of which so many people talk about in chicks? I change their bedding everyday and they are living in a box right now in my house. They seem normal but maybe something a little off?
Here is the FAMOUS poop chart:

you are seeing is Ceacal poop an is VERY normal..they can pass this every 5-10 poops...It is brownish/maroon and STINKS an usually has a thin pudding Consistency.

As far as sleepy...what do you they nap a LOT during the day, or seem warn out?

You may want to give them some vitamins in their water for a few days.

Best Wishes,
Ya they nap a lot, don't seem worn out now. But when they are napping they seem to be really sleepy and don't really move if there are noises by them. And ya I looked at the poop chart and ya I'm sure its ceacal poo now. Oh and just a question- if that is normal why do they have it? Thanks! Its nice to not be so worried now
It is just a way to clean out their lower system...the older they get the more all of their poop will Stink

As baby chicks, mine took naps too, and if I walked in on it i could swear they were dead

As long as they eat, rink and poop alright...I would not worry about it

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