Quail trapped for days! recovery?


9 Years
Apr 2, 2015
Katy TX
Hey guys so we went out of town for the weekend and left the quail and pigeons to their lonesome with feed and water for the time we were gone. Well somehow our youngest quail hen Tiny managed to end up behind a nest box for the pigeons for what I assume was the entire time we were gone based on her wieght loss😬 I fished her out and don't see parasites or signs of injuries but she can barely balance and is too tired to eat 😭 I think the hunger and dehydration may have triggered illness based on her fluffing and sleepy attitude. If I leave her in front of food and water will she bounce back? Or do I need to force her to drink and eat? Will she even bounce back? She's only a year old but she hasn't been laying recently either, I originally put it down to being a runt and weather changes but maybe she was low-key sick for the last few weeks?!!! None of the other 3 quail have shown any issues at all.


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I would start with some Nutri-drench in water mix and offer it to her with a dropper. That will hopefully give her enough energy to start eating and drinking on her own.

Birds have very high metabolisms, so she could very well be close to completely starved after a weekend of no food and stress.

Good luck, and I hope she makes it!
I would start with some Nutri-drench in water mix and offer it to her with a dropper. That will hopefully give her enough energy to start eating and drinking on her own.

Birds have very high metabolisms, so she could very well be close to completely starved after a weekend of no food and stress.

Good luck, and I hope she makes it!
X2 🤞🤞🤞
if nutridrench is not available, rooster booster is an alternative
sav-a-chick electrolytes may be helpful as well
Thanks guys I had nutri drench and rooster booster and threw in some calcium dust. I got some liquid in her and she took a wax worm(for my toad) and ate it although it took her a few tries. She's snuggled her self up after I dipped her beak a few more times and talked her into a couple bites of some chick crumble I have since she definitely wasn't able to take her normal size feed. Hopefully she's fine while I head to work tonight, should I wake her up to eat through out the night to get her filled up?(I'm looking after a nocturnal baby animal currently so I have to get up anyways 🤷)
Also if she does recover after a few days will the rest of the quail have an issue when she goes back in with them? They all grew up together and there's only 4 but Idk if they're as shrewd as chickens are in that area.
Thanks guys I had nutri drench and rooster booster and threw in some calcium dust. I got some liquid in her and she took a wax worm(for my toad) and ate it although it took her a few tries. She's snuggled her self up after I dipped her beak a few more times and talked her into a couple bites of some chick crumble I have since she definitely wasn't able to take her normal size feed. Hopefully she's fine while I head to work tonight, should I wake her up to eat through out the night to get her filled up?(I'm looking after a nocturnal baby animal currently so I have to get up anyways 🤷)
if you are up anyway, it wouldn’t hurt to check on her to make sure that she is getting nutrients
Also if she does recover after a few days will the rest of the quail have an issue when she goes back in with them? They all grew up together and there's only 4 but Idk if they're as shrewd as chickens are in that area.
occasionally there can be issues but i would try re-integration under supervision.....i have heard some people say misting all the birds with a vinegar solution can be helpful but hopefully you won’t have any problems
If you’re up, try hydrating her every few hours, and keep her warm. When you put her back, they may or may not accept her right away. If they try to harm her, mist them all with 50/50 vinegar and water, also mist the pen and especially all the favorite areas, then put her in. They won’t notice she’s new, and by the time the smell wears off they won’t remember the before time haha.
Unfortunately she gave out sometime early morning, she had been eating and drinking a bit as late as 11:40pm and was pooping although not substantially, I can only assume something quit working in the days whithout and failed on her upon startup post reacue ☹️ I have been considering getting more quail so this may have been a sign as upsetting as it is, to add numbers to the flock.

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