Quail rooster with swollen eye and sinuses - pics


9 Years
Feb 12, 2010
Kurtistown, Hawaii
I have a 5-week-old Japanese quail rooster whose right eye is irritated and swollen (not sealed shut, but he keeps it shut), whose tissue around the left eye is puffy, and whose sinuses are bulging. What might he be suffering from?
He is in with two other roosters and three hens, but I don't think it's an injury; I read about quail bronchitis, but apparently it only affects bobwhites. I have read that chickens and quail are both subject to many of the same illnesses, and my chickens routinely contract dry fowlpox as adolescents (the symptoms of that and the symptoms of this quail are identical, except that the quail has none of the sores or scabs characteristic of fowlpox), so the quail are certainly exposed to that, but otherwise my chicken flock is disease-free, and I doubt that they have transmitted something to the quail.

Any ideas?

Here is a picture of the right eye (sorry for the lousy pictures; my camera is terrible):

And of the left eye:
That looks like Coryza. It can be passed on from other infected quail or from your chickens. You need to separate this one out from the flock and get him on antibiotics immediately. Baytril, Oxytetracycline, Tylosin, Enroflaxacin, Cephalexin to name a few.
This disease is transferred thru contact with the other birds. Mortality is low if you use antibiotics. So no doubt, your entire flock has been exposed now, thus becoming all carriers. Survivors are also carriers for life. So it is up to you as to how you deal with this.
Bacteria can be carried on your shoes, clothing, cleaning equipment, hands, the air, feeders, waterers, etc...All you can do is try to keep it as clean as possible. I wouldn't panic just yet. LOL But practice as much bio security as you can.
Oh, I see...I thought it was just through bird contact. I am trying not to panic, but I have a large flock and a chick-selling business, and I do not relish the idea of culling them all (as the coryza threads I've read have suggested). So I am going to try to get the afflicted bird tested, and then go from there. I know that not all the poultry diseases are out here yet, so hopefully it is something else. Thanks for your help!

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