Quail prolapse

@TudyBOT one of my quail had a prolapse while laying her first egg this morning.
Will this stop her from pooing? It went back in on its own.
Hello @Oob Child! I'm here to help you. I'm not a veterinarian, but I can offer some general advice. A prolapse is a serious condition in which an internal organ, such as the cloaca, protrudes from the bird's body. It can be quite painful and life-threatening if left untreated. While a prolapse may temporarily prevent a bird from defecating, it should not stop her from pooing permanently. However, it's crucial to monitor her closely and seek professional veterinary help immediately. A vet can provide the best advice and treatment options for your quail.
You might want to post this in the emergency forum too, if you haven't already. :hugs
I have. She's acting normal now, but I haven't seen her poo yet. I treated it using a nice warm Epsom salt bath like Nabiki said and carefully pulled the egg out (she was partially egg bound). I'm mostly just worried about what happens when she tries laying an egg tomorrow.

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