Quail Condo Update


Dec 9, 2022
Sylvan Springs, AL
My Coop
My Coop
Quail Update

Attached is an update video of my Quail Pen if your interested.
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In the video, it looks like none of them have access to bathing material. Quail use loose substrate like dirt, dust, or ash to remove excess oil from their feathers and skin—it is as necessary a process as eating or sleeping. Please give them somewhere to get off the wire and clean themselves.
Thanks for your comment. It would have been great had you posted anything positive about my setup. Pointed out how hard I have worked to construct this out of wood, wire and screws before diving into the constructive criticism.
The quail have 2 ways of bathing. the new watering cups are large enough that against my wishes they do bathe in these. if you are standing in front of the cage when I fill the water system you also get a slight bath. We also have a dust bath bowl for each cage but they are not left in there all the time.
Soli Deo Gloria
If someone stuck you in a cell without a shower, you'd be taking spit baths pretty gratefully, too.
Im not sure what benefit your comments are making to this thread. I understand how some feel superior and have to boast to the masses that they have more knowledge than others. I have only been with this group a few days and you have not give me a reason to stay.

I am new to raising Quail on a Homestead and still learning. I am not raising my Quail in an aviary but in cages designed for meat and egg production. My cages are cleaned daily and well maintained.
Living on the wire these birds are not introduced to the pest or dirt's one would find on the ground.
I have stated my birds have access to dust bathes but I dont leave the substrate in all the time. By all rights I want to give these birds a great life of 8 weeks with one bad experience when they are culled.
These aren't pets but a source for meat and eggs.

So unless you have something of benefit to us who are here to enjoy the knowledge of this site go troll somewhere else.

Have a blessed day!
Im not sure what benefit your comments are making to this thread.
I am new to raising Quail on a Homestead and still learning.
It does not pay to be new and resistant to advice.

By all rights I want to give these birds a great life of 8 weeks with one bad experience when they are culled.
I have nothing against raising birds to kill and eat, but the "how" matters. Tell me again that what's in that video constitutes "a great life."
It does not pay to be new and resistant to advice.

I have nothing against raising birds to kill and eat, but the "how" matters. Tell me again that what's in that video constitutes "a great life."
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein

I accept that you feel MY Quail need substrate 24/7. I choose to not yield to your advice as I only put it in a few days a week. I do agree they need it just not on the length of time you do. its ok for us to see this differently.
My birds enjoy bathing in a water bath from their water cups. I didn't teach this but if it makes them happy so be it.

So do my birds have a great life. well I think so. They have access to the best Game Bird feed money can buy 24/7, They have a constant supply of fresh water, They are in a climate controlled area out of the wind and rain. Their cages are cleaned daily, there are no bugs or pests to annoy or harm them. I treat their water with herbs and spices as well as Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar.
My breeders are separated 5 hens to a rooster. my egg layers have no roosters to worry about. They have automatic lighting as well as fresh air and sunshine.

They even get to listen to Dave Matthews with me on the weekends while I am doing maintenance.

What am I missing?
I don't think that @le_bwah is attacking you. I have to agree, that while you cages appear to have a lot of work and effort, they are lacking some things that will keep your quail healthier and happier.

Quail need a place to rest their feet from the wire. If they don't have this, they are far more likely to develop foot and leg problems.

Dust baths are also essential for their feather health, which reduces chance of mites and also helps them weather adverse weather better.

Please take this as constructive criticicism, not as an attack.

There is nothing wrong with raising quail for eggs and meat, but keeping them healthy is important no matter why you are raising them.

Good luck with your quail!

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