Putting Pebble Down - I think it’s time??


In the Brooder
May 3, 2023
Hi everyone, thanks for following my ports from the past week or so. Pebble is still enjoying snacking and dust bathing and cuddles from me but she’s panting so hard. I think it’s time to say goodbye to her. I hope I’m making the right choice. I love her so much. I’m not sure because she still has life in her, she’s eating, dust bathing, even running. But she has episodes of labored breathing and sneezing, gasping, and panting. The tumor inside her is heavy, she’s heavier to lift.

Pebble is 3, has some sort of internal tumor, keeps sneezing, is having respiratory issues.
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It sounds like she still is enjoying life if she is eating,drinking, running around, and dust bathing. Chickens who are near death stop eating, lie around isolating themselves, and may be pecked on by others. Sneezing occasionally can be due to dust or feed irritating her nostrils. I have had chickens with internal laying or ascites who had some labored breathing, but they lived for awhile. My chickens have all pretty much died within their flock at home. I have dispatched a couple who were starving themselves, but I prefer to try keeping them comfortable and protected from harm, and let them go naturally. The mass the vet feels could be internal laying, a tumor, or maybe just the gizzard. Hard to know. When I lose a hen. I usually open the belly after death and try to find a cause. It is a good way to learn about their illnesses.
The vet recommended we have her euthanized. And when she’s having episodes of panting and gasping, I think it’s the right decision. But when she’s dust bathing happily, I reconsider…
That's a very hard decision to make. I tend to think what @Eggcessive thinks. But ultimately it's up to you and what you think is best. I'm sorry that this is a situation for you! :hugs
Hi everyone, thanks for following my ports from the past week or so. Pebble is still enjoying snacking and dust bathing and cuddles from me but she’s panting so hard. I think it’s time to say goodbye to her. I hope I I’m making the right choice. I love her so much. I’m not sure because she still has life in her, she’s eating, dust bathing, even running. But she has episodes of labored breathing and sneezing, gasping, and panting. The tumor inside her is heavy, she’s heavier to lift. I think her tumor weighs more than she does.

Pebble is 3, has some sort of internal tumor, keeps sneezing, is having respiratory issues.
She’s very heavy too. The tumor in her weighs a lot.

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