Pullets or Roos


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 18, 2011
Ashford, Washington
Sorry, I can't find my orginial post on this subject but here are some pictures of my 3 week old Wyandottes. Could someone tell me if I have pullets or roos? I am very new to raising chickens, haven't had any since I was young about 70 years ago! Just a couple years ago! LOL! I am also adding pictures of the first day my babies came home with me!
I hope someone can tell from theses pictures. Also, how do you go back to you original post as there are so many new posts everyday. Is there a method to going to your original post?

Thanks for any help you may be able to give me.

Nancy (graphicgranny)





They are to young yet to be able to tell. After 4 to 8 weeks it will be easier, take pics then.

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