
Aug 31, 2018
Hello all!
I am new here to BYC and super happy to have finally joined. I've learned so much just scrolling through the forums, so it'll be neat to finally be a part of it! Sorry if my question is in the wrong subthread, just let me know and ill move it!

So around the first week June of this year (2018) I got my six baby chicks. 2 Black Star (also know as black sex-link i believe.), 2 Cinnamon Queens, and 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes. Since we live in the city thats the max number I can own, and I cannot have roosters.
(Almost) All of my pullets are happily clucking (and having no problem vocalizing when they aren't happy XD) Except for one of my Golden Laced! She has never clucked and we are nearing on 15 weeks of age with them. She still makes her little chick noises but I have never heard her cluck.
She is the shyest of the bunch, never really wanting to be held, but once you pick her up you just kinda goes dead weight and is okay with it. She strangely enough is my biggest, heaviest and shiniest-feathered chicken. Her comb is bigger, thicker, and redder than the other golden(leading us to believe that she is from a different bloodline than my other golden), yet i believe she was the smallest chick we got(it may have been the other one, cant be sure but I think she was). She definitely didn't grow at the same speed as the other chickens for about 5 weeks.

Is this something I can do to help her, is there something wrong, should I just wait? I'm a little lost and I haven't found anything online to help me yet.
Has anyone experienced what I can only call a mute chicken before?

Thanks in advance!
Welcome to BYC! Nice breeds to start with too.

As long as she is acting normally--not sitting off by herself all fluffed up, eating and drinking fine, etc. I wouldn't worry. She could just be slower to mature. Sometimes chickens are just as individual as people. Her voice will eventually deepen. But since you mention you are noticing differences in feather, size, and comb, are you positive that she's a she? Some of those qualities you describe sound rather masculine.
Maybe you should post a picture.
It’s possible she’s a He but maybe not!
Don’t worry about not vocalizing!
You’ll learn that every bird is different.

I have one that honks like a goose. She’s not sick. It’s just her voice and always has been. One hums “uh-huh?” All the time.
Had one that yelled all day like a frat boy at a party....
Actual “Clucking” is usually a sound reserved for broody hens.
Maybe you should post a picture.
It’s possible she’s a He but maybe not!

Could you please post a pic of your GL Wyandotte? She might actually be he, but am not totally convinced. Pics needed! PS; Welcome to BYC!

Thank you to everyones replies and the warm welcome!:weeSo glad to hear that this isn't a problem or unusual. I have attached a couple photos of her! She doesn't have signs of spurs or ever made any male sounds but you can never be sure! She LOVES to lay like a broody hen. I hope shes not a rooster, if so we may have a problem. If "she' is a he hopefully HE continues to be very quiet:th, yiKES.
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