Pullet has broken toe


9 Years
Dec 17, 2014
Rough and Ready, California
I just started letting my four 12 week old pullets out to free range and noticed my one of them has a broken toe. I have no idea when she might have broke it. They had, until now, been in deep pine shavings so their feet were usually hidden. She could have done it anytime before or after I bought the pullets. She runs and jumps around and it doesn't seem to be bothering her at all. Is there anything I can/should do about it? Or should I just leave it alone now?
Is it actually broken or just crooked? Crooked toes is generally genetics or, it can be caused by improper feeding of the adult stock the egg came from, or a vitamin deficiency in the chick.
Could it just be that you are now discovering a bent toe that has become more noticeable? Crooked toes are birth defects that can be caused by problems during incubation or heredity. They can be fixed in the first day or two of life by taping the toes in proper position. But it is too late after that, and is permanent. Do you have a picture? Here is a case of crooked toes:
Hmmm... I am really not sure. I guess it looks crooked but I just assumed it was broken.
If it is either of what you suggested, how will "genetics" or "improper feeding of the adult stock" affect the pullet when she is at laying age?
I will try to get a pic of her toe so you can see what it looks like. It's getting late now so if I can't get a pic tonight, I will try to do it tomorrow morning.
Thanks :)
She should lay fine. I've had crooked toes in some of my birds. It doesn't seem to bother them. It mostly affects the look of the bird and probably to some extent their ability to scratch productively. I personally would never hatch from stock with crooked toes as I wouldn't want it passed on.
I had one where all toes were in a complete circle because all toes were curved. She roosted okay, but always choose a roost closer to the ground. I still think it's genetics. Otherwise I would have seen more than one in my batch if it was from a deficiency.
I had one where all toes were in a complete circle because all toes were curved. She roosted okay, but always choose a roost closer to the ground. I still think it's genetics. Otherwise I would have seen more than one in my batch if it was from a deficiency.
These pullets were bought at the feed store so I don't know how the hens (mothers) were raised or fed. This one is the runt of the 2 EE pullets I bought so you may be right? I am hoping she will be okay and not have any problems with the other hens.
Thank you for your suggestions and advice! :)
Is it actually broken or just crooked? Crooked toes is generally genetics or, it can be caused by improper feeding of the adult stock the egg came from, or a vitamin deficiency in the chick.
Hmmm... I am really not sure. I guess it looks crooked but I just assumed it was broken.
If it is either of what you suggested, how will "genetics" or "improper feeding of the adult stock" affect the pullet when she is at laying age?
I will try to get a pic of her toe so you can see what it looks like. It's getting late now so if I can't get a pic tonight, I will try to do it tomorrow morning.
Thanks :)
Could it just be that you are now discovering a bent toe that has become more noticeable? Crooked toes are birth defects that can be caused by problems during incubation or heredity. They can be fixed in the first day or two of life by taping the toes in proper position. But it is too late after that, and is permanent. Do you have a picture? Here is a case of crooked toes:
She was 4 weeks when I got her so if it is a birth defect, it was already too late to fix it. Thanks for the link. I am going to try to get a pic tonight, if I can't, I will get one tomorrow and post it.
Sorry, it took me forever to get a focused photo of her toes. I am free ranging them now and she is super active running everywhere.
However, since posted about her, she now has 2 toes that are bent or broken!🥺 Originally it was just the middle toe.The leg looks thinner also but that could be the way she is standing.
There really isn't anything in their pen that could have caused it... that is, from what I can see.
Anyone have a theory on what is going on with her?

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