Protruding throat!! Help Please!


7 Years
Sep 10, 2012
Loving, NM
EDIT: We seem to be on the correct path as far as her throat is concerned, but her throat is what's worrying us most now. We're not sure what to do about it. Any ideas?

I'll start by answering the suggested questions.

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Black Austrolorp, 7 weeks, less than half the weight of others.
2) What is the behavior, exactly. At feeder all day.
3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? Hook beak, since 2 weeks, protruding throat - couple weeks.
4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? One other Black Austrolorp has crossbeak
5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. No
6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation. Genetics? Need help with this one.
7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all. Eating fermented scratch and starter/grower.
8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. ?? Have 48 chicks in tractor.
9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far? Trimmed upper beak, but still hooked.
10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? Will treat ourselves.
11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
12) Describe the housing/bedding in use. Large chicken tractor. Still sleeping on grass.

This is peaches, the friendliest chick we have.

Out of 10 Black Austrolorps, there is peaches and another one that has crossbeak. I'm thinking too much inbreeding. Is that correct?
Is her lower beak short?
She's had "cottonmouth", don't know if that's what it really is, it's kinda like slime in the corners of her mouth. Is this normal? I've been expecting to find her dead the last few days, but she keeps on trucking. She'll run, jump, flap, just like the others, but spends most of her day at the feeder.

Everything we read mentioned clipping the beak, kinda like a dogs toenails. She's been having trouble at the feeder and is pecking at food all day and makes a mess on herself. Oh yeah, she's probably less than half the weight of the next smallest chick. Here she is after we clipped her beak a bit.

Unless advised otherwise, we'll keep trimming her upper beak.

As far as I know, there is nothing we can do if her lower beak is short. I would just like to know.

Does anyone have any ideas on the throat? In the pics above, that's how she normally looks. It'll stick out about twice as far as that when she's swallowing. The tip of it is fairly hard.

Thanks for helping.
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I have been waiting for someone to help you.... I have some saved links I can share and give a bump... sorry about your chickens...

Scissor / Crossed beak- What it is and How to Manage It

Instructions How to feed :

    • 1
      Change the chicken's diet from pellets to mash or crumbles. Mash is a coarse mix of grains ground to a small size. Crumbles are smaller pellets, broken up into pieces.
    • 2
      Feed the chicken from a feeder, not by scattering the food on the ground. Its beak won't close over food on a hard surface. It needs to be able to scoop it up from underneath.

Read more: How to Feed a Scissor Beak Chicken | ALSO this one...

I wish you the Best!!
Thanks for the links Sally. We have started trimming her beak and plan to continue that on a weekly basis and we just so happen to have your two feeding hints covered, only by accident though. I will pay closer attention to see if there's anything else we can do to better help her.

Do you have any ideas about her throat? Does anyone else have any ideas about her throat?

Thanks again,
Thanks for the links Sally. We have started trimming her beak and plan to continue that on a weekly basis and we just so happen to have your two feeding hints covered, only by accident though. I will pay closer attention to see if there's anything else we can do to better help her.

Do you have any ideas about her throat? Does anyone else have any ideas about her throat?

Thanks again,
poor thing thats strange... I will see if I can find anything for you in the health links I have... weird is it hard soft is she breathing ok? almost looks like a tumor... I will have time later.... to help ya research... kids all comin home right now : )
poor thing thats strange... I will see if I can find anything for you in the health links I have... weird is it hard soft is she breathing ok? almost looks like a tumor... I will have time later.... to help ya research... kids all comin home right now : )
She has no trouble breathing, but always has slime, kinda like cottonmouth, in the corners of her mouth. It's kinda hard, not rock hard though. When she opens and closes her beak, it'll stick out about as far as her lower beak.

Hadn't thought about a tumor. She's only 7 weeks old.

I'll keep researching too.

Did you look into her mouth? no white lesions or cankers? ADDED: her tiny ears look ok?
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Candidiasis, Moniliasis, Thrush ???? it looks like her eyes are swollen, what antibotics have you given?

I soooo hope someone can help guide you, poor girl isnt looking good, the downside of chicking raising

I just went through the entire dictionary of health! nothing specific is popping up!
Did you look into her mouth? no white lesions or cankers? ADDED: her tiny ears look ok?
OK, looked into her mouth and I don't see any lesions or cankers, and the ears appear to be ok, but, I couldn't see her tongue. She had a piece of wet feed stuck in the back of her throat and with enough jostling around finally got it down. It looks like every time she's trying to swallow her throat extends waaaaaaay out. It looks like a gigantic adams apple.
Candidiasis, Moniliasis, Thrush ???? it looks like her eyes are swollen, what antibotics have you given?

I soooo hope someone can help guide you, poor girl isnt looking good, the downside of chicking raising

I just went through the entire dictionary of health! nothing specific is popping up!
No antibiotics. Don't know about the other conditions.
Can't be of any help unfortunately, I've never seen anything like that. Given the deformity of her beak she may also have some deformity in her neck/esophagus/trachea, who knows. This may be one that would require a vet to tell you what's going on if your goal is to save her, if possible.

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