pross/cons of chickens?

Sorry if this isn't the right place. I have had chicks a few years back. I was going today to pick up 6 from TSC,I have brooders,runs and kennels for when they get older. But now im having doubts about getting any.

Is it expensive to feed them? How often will I have to buy feed? And do the pros outweigh the cons? I don't mind cleaning up after them or any of that,just worried about the cost

Here is a list of Pros and Cons that perhaps you can add too or rearrange according to your needs.

Provide Eggs/Meat usually at or slightly above store cost
Control over your food source and quality
Good pets
Can get AG tax break in some areas
Feed can be supplemented to reduce cost with less effect than larger animals

Mercy of the market price of grain (can be cheap is managed or expensive)
Sanitation can be a pain
Sometimes noisy
Smell if due for a cleaning
Older hens stop producing, can become costly to feed at that stage

Its cheapest to buy from mills. Buy in bulk if possible, though with 6, its likely you can only buy 50lbs. in a bag and use it before it molds or spoils. Grain stored for long periods of time needs to have the vitamin/minerals replaced. Tiny squirt of Red Cell is cheap. lasts forever, and is chelated (urine will remove unwanted/extra vitamins/minerals). For a layer flock of 6 I buy about 50lbs at a time and go through that in about 2 months at $16.99 a bag. If I get my stuff from the mill I'd have about 150lbs for the same price including gas to get there and back.

For the enjoyment and production, its way worth it for me. If your social, the community is also generally very support and fun to be in.
I'm so glad I stumbled upon this. I have been planning on getting chickens for quite some time now and got really serious about it last fall. Then, today, I started doubting getting them. I am back to planning on getting them. :)

Right now I don't have anything and I am trying to build an inexpensive coop. So far I have the hardware cloth - 75% off an already marked down price at Lowe's. Score! I also have some plywood and I am sourcing pallets to use for the wood. I also am going to look at some old windows over the weekend that are $15 each.

I plan on using fermented feed to help keep feeding costs down and I just ordered a book on landscaping for chickens. I'm going to use the deep litter method for the coop so that should take the poop con down some. ;)

I am in North TX too, which Lowe's that is Awesome to find HC 75% off!
We live just east of Dallas and I would recommend getting them. Depending on your lot size...6-12 is good and Orpington's are sweet, sweet!
we built a coop and used HC for the windows...on the few nights a year it gets below 25 or so degrees, we tack a piece of cardboard on the window to block the north wind, otherwise they are fine a appreciate the air flow. The coop also does not need a floor...we just lined the bottom of ours with HCloth to keep other critters out and then filled with pine for the deep litter, works great.
Excuse the brush pile in front, but here is our coop. You can see we used HC for the windows...the little add on to the left is for our Guineas
By now I suspect you've gotten more opinions and ideas than facts. Mostly because the facts vary with the opinions.

The way I see it?

How much can you afford each month?
How much do you know about chickens all together?
What are your reasons for wanting chickens?
Where are you from.

Most folks don't put where they're from with their avatar and it can be a bother.

1. Where will you buy your feed ? Some have mills to buy from and they can be cheaper. Me it's about $14 a 50# bag.

Ones location makes a big difference. Case in point. I'm in NY and it's cold and I just filled 7 gallon milk jugs with water that I lug out each morning, break the ice off the water tubs and fill them up. Too when it's cold they eat more. I suspect in the warmer or mostly warmer climes chickens can free range and eat less feed. I need hay to keep their feet from freezing since they do go out. And there are shavings to buy to keep them clean and dry.

2. The production birds TSC is selling are "terminal" birds. Two years and their done or almost done. They're more likely to get sick. Purebreds lay the same number of eggs but over a longer period of time. If you want pets you'll want chickens like my Frenchy who is nearing 6 yrs. She a Bantam frizzle. She doesn't lay anymore but I love her.

3. If you want chickens to make money, I doubt that will happen unless you know you've got a market for them. You might break even on feed, but the labor will be free. Too there are materials such as shavings, dust for mites and other stuff.

My advice is build for 25 and if 6 is all you want you'll have room. Build for 6 and if you want 25 you'll be in a bind. I figure 25 and now I'm up to 50+ and losing sleep at night. I've got more eggs than I can sell. 2 doz a day even in this frigid weather.

Lots of eggs. I do donate to friends with kids and low incomes and to seniors.
I would highly recommend good quality food! I keep seeing 50lb for $8...what is in that stuff to be so cheap? We buy Non-Soy, Non-GMO, Non-Medicated Feed for I think $24 for a 50lb bag. BUT I get $5 a dozen for those eggs because they are a good quality. 50% increase in vitamin content over standard commercially grown feed.
We free range them too so they have a varied diet

Poop is Poop, but it makes a good fertilizer. So if you eat a lot of eggs, bake a lot with them etc. Plus have a good size garden that needs fertilizer...go for it.

We have 12 chickens right now, and are getting some fertilized eggs tomorrow in fact for our first broody to sit on!
Well I have invested $457.50 thus far for everything (including the coop & brooder)(ebay and craigslist are your friend) (the chicks ship monday) This is my first time doing chickens and why did i decide chickens? well i cant have dogs (my dad owns my home and said no) my dad said yes to chickens (i have no clue why?) i can have up to 8 (i bought 5) i think they are pretty and i hear they can be great pets! and thats what we were looking for... everything else is just a bonus! :) I GUARENTEE a dog is 5x's more expensive than chickens. (i spent ALOT paying for my dog...and i never got eggs out of it.. so...) to me IT WILL BE WORTH IT.. The fact that my kids will be growing up with responsibility and chickens (that like no other kids have around here have.) is just awesome.. I think its more than just a chore or a hobby or just a way to get food... ITS AN EXPERIANCE OF A LIFETIME!!!

Do you watch "Elementary" Sherlock is not keeping chickens in his apartment. It showed him sitting watching TV with a Rooster on his lap. Very cool. I'm sure if you google it you will find it.

I have two roosters that come and sit near me when I go out to feed them.

OMG! I just remembered a Marans hen that would come into the garage and lay her egg on the mat in front of the door. It was so cool. I don't know why she laid it there and she has stopped but for the time it was cute.
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Well I have invested $457.50 thus far for everything (including the coop & brooder)(ebay and craigslist are your friend) (the chicks ship monday) This is my first time doing chickens and why did i decide chickens? well i cant have dogs (my dad owns my home and said no) my dad said yes to chickens (i have no clue why?) i can have up to 8 (i bought 5) i think they are pretty and i hear they can be great pets! and thats what we were looking for... everything else is just a bonus! :) I GUARENTEE a dog is 5x's more expensive than chickens. (i spent ALOT paying for my dog...and i never got eggs out of it.. so...) to me IT WILL BE WORTH IT.. The fact that my kids will be growing up with responsibility and chickens (that like no other kids have around here have.) is just awesome.. I think its more than just a chore or a hobby or just a way to get food... ITS AN EXPERIANCE OF A LIFETIME!!!
 :jumpy :jumpy :cd :jumpy :jumpy  

Yes Yes Yes!!!!!!!! Get chickens!!! It's TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!

Oh btw I'm sorry if I sound like a ranting mad person :)

I am in North TX too, which Lowe's that is Awesome to find HC 75% off!
We live just east of Dallas and I would recommend getting them. Depending on your lot size...6-12 is good and Orpington's are sweet, sweet!
we built a coop and used HC for the windows...on the few nights a year it gets below 25 or so degrees, we tack a piece of cardboard on the window to block the north wind, otherwise they are fine a appreciate the air flow. The coop also does not need a floor...we just lined the bottom of ours with HCloth to keep other critters out and then filled with pine for the deep litter, works great.
Excuse the brush pile in front, but here is our coop. You can see we used HC for the windows...the little add on to the left is for our Guineas
I'm in McKinney. I bought all they had of the hardware cloth. :) I need a lot for my coop and run. Going to look at windows today.

I put an 'order' in for some splash silkies yesterday. I'll be getting them in April. :D
Our initial cost for building our coop and run for 4 birds was about $450 and then ended up having to "chicken proof" gardens and patios etc with more fencing for another $200. Our 4 girls free range most of the day and are provided crumbles. We pay about $17 for the 40lb bag of crumbles every 2 months or so. Once the big purchases are made upkeep is very minimal. We get around a dozen and 1/2 a week from our 4 and give away any extras we don't eat. We are getting 4 more chicks in a couple months. They will be fancier breeds that aren't necessarily the best layers but we won't have to put out any more money as they can fit in the coop with the others since it is quite large but our feed cost will probably jump to $17 each month instead of every 2 months.

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