Processed my first quail today


In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2022
My last lot of hatchlings had some very small quail adults, they were getting picked on by my other quail too. (The otehr adults were twice their size)
I'd decided last week the humane thing would be to cull and process them for meat. I've never done it before myself. I watched plenty of videos. It was hard. I had always planned on one day producing meat birds and knew that culling was needed eventually. Whether it was for this reason or too many males.

I'm proud that I managed it and that I produce meat for the family. We're going to use them in a game soup. But none of the videos truly prepared me for the death throws. Some small part of me is glad that it wasn't easy.

I can't wait to respect them and cook something delicious with them. Nothing is going to waste. The cats got any bits we couldn't eat. These guys may have been quite small but they still had some good meat on them.
Congratulations you are able to raise and produce meat for your family. I had to cull one of mine a few weeks back as it had been abused by some other roosters. I have about 40 birds to cull right now.
I hate to take anything's life but also understand God designed these creatures to be taken for sustenance. He designed us to need these animals. Their sole existence is to grow and be culled to feed our families. I understand this yet still it hurts to take a life.

Be thankful.
First time is an eye opener.
Glad you he harvested meat for your family.
It really is. I worked as a butcher in my early 20s but the animals are already processed by the time they get to the shop. I've always had the mindset that meat should be respected but it's a totally different experience when it's something you raised and killed yourself.

Congratulations you are able to raise and produce meat for your family. I had to cull one of mine a few weeks back as it had been abused by some other roosters. I have about 40 birds to cull right now.
I hate to take anything's life but also understand God designed these creatures to be taken for sustenance. He designed us to need these animals. Their sole existence is to grow and be culled to feed our families. I understand this yet still it hurts to take a life.

Be thankful.

I'm incredibly thankful. I definitely didn't enjoy it, but I plan to give these animals the respect they deserve when we finally cook them.
Just did my first one tonight, It something you need to do to properly care for you farming animals, it's not about cruelty but respect. I just had to Many males, did not enjoy it but now it's done and they will keep us fed like we keep them fed. It wasn't hard to pluck them either going to save some of the fathers for crafts.

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