Problem batch of Purina Flock Raiser


Premium Feather Member
9 Years
May 27, 2015
I posted this info on another thread and someone suggested I repost here. I also wrote to Purina , via their website.
My chickens have loved Purina flock raiser crumbles for years. I have bragged about it to everyone, how they never waste any, how they eat every crumble. However, the most recent bag, opened 2 days ago, is different. 8FEB06STJ1 is the # on the bag, so it is fresh. The feed looks darker. It smells fine to me, but my chickens don't like it so much. Yes, they are eating it, but I'd say they are only eating half what they did previously. This is a significant change and I am concerned. What has changed in this feed???? I may have to go with something else.
I have 14 chickens, 9 adults, and 5 chicks, kept separately, and all have been eating Purina Flock raiser, and both age groups have balked at this new batch.
I always give them all some of it dry and also moisten some to ferment over night. It seems the moistened new batch of feed has a completely different texture and color. It gets even darker. I'd call the original flock raiser a golden color, and this new, a liver color.
People who responded to that thread guessed it was just an 'off' bag and suggested I replace it.

Today i added this:
This morning early, we went to a different town, got a new bag of Flock Raiser, with the code 8FEB01SGF1. It looks good, nice golden color as opposed to the liver brown of the other. Neither the chicks or adults had eaten much of the 'off' batch, which I removed. Everyone enthusiastically ate the new batch.
I got the 'off' bag at TSC in Pittsburg, KS, and I will have to load it up and return it.
Has anyone else reported anything like this? Purina, can you look into what happened? Thanks for your feedback!
Edit: see photos in next post
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Here are some photos of the 2 batches of feed described above. On the left is the 'off' batch. On the right is the new, normal batch. You can see the contrast in color.
feed 2 (3 of 1).jpg

Here are closeups of the 2, first the "off" batch:
off batch.png

Then the new normal batch:
normal batch.png

Here is the label from the 'off' batch:
feed bag (3 of 1).jpg
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Purina sent me an email regarding my inquiry via their website. I sent a reply w the above photos. I'll update this thread if anyone finds any answers.
Thanks for your email, Sue, and for choosing Purina feed. We are sorry that you experienced this issue. I would like to enter a report to document this, and to make the production plant aware of the issue. How many bags did you purchase that were affected, and where did you buy them? Did you notify the dealer? We offer 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, so you can return the unused portion in the original bag, and the dealer should replace with product from a different date code or refund your money.
There can be variation in color from 1 batch to another, depending on color variation of the grains that we purchase. Can you possibly send a photo of feed, so that I can attach it to the report?
Thank you for making us aware of the issue, we appreciate hearing from our customers.
Another Purina employee emailed me with this:
"I am sorry that your chickens don’t approve of the product from our St. Joseph plant. I am glad that you were able to get them back on a feed that they enjoy eating. I don’t have a good explanation as to why your birds didn’t like the St. Joseph product. The formulas between the two plants are very similar in ingredients being used to get at the final product. A little behind-the-scenes info here…we manufacture our chicken feeds, including Flock Raiser, at 23 different feed mills throughout the US. Each plant has access to different ingredients. Many of those are locally-sourced. That presents some challenges when you get feed from different feed mills since the color of the ingredients being used can vary. Although the colors may be different and the ingredients used to produce a bag of feed may be different, the nutrition of each bag is the same. All bags of Flock Raiser should contain 20% crude protein, 3.5% fat, 1.0% calcium, 0.6% phosphorus, and the same amounts of vitamins and minerals. I know that doesn’t explain why your birds didn’t care for the darker product, but I at least want you to understand why the products appear different. I believe you were made aware of our 100% Guarantee when it comes to the feed you are offering your animals. I hope you were able to take advantage of that without too much hassle. We appreciate your business, and hope to continue to providing your birds with the nutrition that they need to keep you company for as long as you’ll have them. Hopefully, they won’t turn their beaks up at our feed in the future, and this experience didn’t leave a sour taste in your mouth as well!"
I save the empty bags and looked at the 3 I have in the basement. 2 were from that St. joseph plant. So their feed in the past was the normal golden color and passed the chickens' test.
Anyway, that plant received a report and has been given a heads up. If anything truly was amiss in their mixing or packing or whatever, I'm betting they've corrected it. I'll buy from there again, because I can return it if needed. The only hassle about returning feed is lugging 50 lbs......and that is quite a job for a 66 yr. old grandma!
@SueT i know this thread is not a current one, but I know you're active on BYC still, so I wanted to ask if you've ran into this again? I just purchased a bag of FR and it's so pale in color. The bag before this, which was Crumbles, was lighter in color but not quite as light as this bag of pellets. Of course I intend of contacting Purina but I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this. I've noticed a lot of color variations with Purina poultry feeds as a whole and it's concerning. My only other options are to go to another location, farther away, or change to Southern States, which has recently merged with Nutrena. They only offer minimal varieties though and the protein is a huge factor since anytime I try layer feed with 16% protein, I will notice feather eating. Maybe it's more the time of year with everyone molting or coming into molt. This feed is drastically light in color though. I guess they're eating it OK as I just started using it yesterday
@SueT i know this thread is not a current one, but I know you're active on BYC still, so I wanted to ask if you've ran into this again? I just purchased a bag of FR and it's so pale in color. The bag before this, which was Crumbles, was lighter in color but not quite as light as this bag of pellets. Of course I intend of contacting Purina but I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this. I've noticed a lot of color variations with Purina poultry feeds as a whole and it's concerning. My only other options are to go to another location, farther away, or change to Southern States, which has recently merged with Nutrena. They only offer minimal varieties though and the protein is a huge factor since anytime I try layer feed with 16% protein, I will notice feather eating. Maybe it's more the time of year with everyone molting or coming into molt. This feed is drastically light in color though. I guess they're eating it OK as I just started using it yesterday
Hi Heather,
What I understand after talking w Purina is that each mill sources their own ingredients and they have 23 different mills. Depending what store we buy it at, we get it from 2 different mills, one in St. Joseph MO, and one in Springfield MO. So there are going to be differences in color. I was concerned about this at the time I started this thread, but now I just accept it as normal. I’d say, not to worry unless you get a moldy product. (I still do check the date before buying, as well.). Most stores will take it back if a customer is not happy, but now I just tell my chickens they’re going to have to eat it.
Hi Heather,
What I understand after talking w Purina is that each mill sources their own ingredients and they have 23 different mills. Depending what store we buy it at, we get it from 2 different mills, one in St. Joseph MO, and one in Springfield MO. So there are going to be differences in color. I was concerned about this at the time I started this thread, but now I just accept it as normal. I’d say, not to worry unless you get a moldy product. (I still do check the date before buying, as well.). Most stores will take it back if a customer is not happy, but now I just tell my chickens they’re going to have to eat it.
Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate it
I forgot to add that the mill date is Sept 10 of 2021, so I'm guessing it's just the change in season having to do with the source of their ingredients. I really wish I could find a feed that I could have shipped with a guaranteed fresh mill date, but I guess it's not going to be affordable as I find in the store

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