Preventing bumble foot?


Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Hello everyone, I am currently successfuly treating bumble foot in four of my hens and two of my ducks. Everything is going good, but I’ve gotta say, this treatments is annoying! I s as m wondering if anyone has any tips on preventing this? My run is free of sticks, twigs or anything they could get cut on. And no thorns to cause the infection. It is fairly hard ground, because it is just dirt and they turn it to mud, and the it gets dry and hard. I’ve heard hard ground can cause it? They do free range sometimes during the day but not very long because of the predators, maybe they are getting it then? I can get pics of my setup tomorrow if needed, thanks, any advice is appreciated! Avery
How high are there roosts? Sometimes landing heavily off of a high roost can cause bumblefoot. What do you use for bedding? Some stuff can be sharp and cause cuts. Good luck caring for your hens!
Hello everyone, I am currently successfuly treating bumble foot in four of my hens and two of my ducks. Everything is going good, but I’ve gotta say, this treatments is annoying! I s as m wondering if anyone has any tips on preventing this? My run is free of sticks, twigs or anything they could get cut on. And no thorns to cause the infection. It is fairly hard ground, because it is just dirt and they turn it to mud, and the it gets dry and hard. I’ve heard hard ground can cause it? They do free range sometimes during the day but not very long because of the predators, maybe they are getting it then? I can get pics of my setup tomorrow if needed, thanks, any advice is appreciated! Avery
I have heard that they can get it from the type of roost they have also. It’s just a thought Avery. You might want to switch them to something different for a while. It is just a wound that gets staph infection in the wound and then continues to worsen and fester so if that helps knowing that tidbit... you might also cover their roost with carpet in the winter time. I have heard that helps. Don’t know. We will all see won’t we? I will know if only mine don’t get it as well. I hope your birds heal up and stay that way and none get it again. Good luck!
Sand all roosts using sandpaper, it will eliminate splinters and burrs. Lower roosts. Mine are 6" above the floors. Eliminate or remove high places in your yard that they can jump down from, such as lawn chairs etc...
I can’t say for sure if it’s connected but we’ve never had a case of bumblefoot and we have ramps up to our perches, so the chickens never really have to jump on and off them, they can just walk up and then walk along to the spot they want.

Good luck with your flock.
Thank you everyone, I will adjust the roosts fir sure! We also have higher nest boxes above our roosts because we don’t have enough space in our chicken coop, and it requires jumping from the roost to access. I think I will add a ramp there. Does anyone know how to proven fit in my ducks? Since they font use roosts, and they are afraid of me, so catching them is difficult. Thanks everyone!

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