Predator-proof floor for run built on brick patio surface?


Farm girl in the city.
Jan 25, 2023
Rochester, NY
My Coop
My Coop
Hi guys,

I'm designing/engineering my 4' x 12' x 6' tall run, which will be built on a =level brick surface that has about a 2 degree slant for drainage. I plan to fill it with about 3 inches of leaf and shavings litter over a 1/2 inch base of sand. My question is this: how do I keep predators from coming under the outer edges of the run? The run itself will be totally enclosed with 1/2 in hardware cloth stapled and reinforced with screws and fender washers.

Should I run hardware cloth across the bottom of the run underneath the sand and litter?

Or should I just create a hardware cloth apron of about 12" and hold it down around the perimeter of the run with something like cinder blocks?

All advice is appreciated.

An apron should be at least 16-24" wide. Putting cinder blocks on it would effectively shorten it even further, as predators would start "digging" at the base of the blocks, so if you're using blocks you'd need to add (width of block) + (16-24" apron).

My guess is the bricks by themselves would be good enough to exclude some possible pests/predators though. Do you know what possible predators you'd be dealing with?

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