Poultry or Not Poultry?


In the Brooder
Oct 9, 2020
Hi everyone
I just want to pick your brains about HOA rules regarding keeping poultry. I have a HOA which prohibts keeping poultry. My city allows up to five chickens without any kind of permit. Is Red Jungle Fowl considered poultry? Poultry by definition are domesticated. I don't have any chicks yet. I admit I am looking into getting around the HOA rules :D however I have other reasons to want red jungle fowl. I only want hens. I am willing to try to change the HOA rules too. I'm just looking at my options. Thanks!
Yes, red jungle fowl are poultry. Little tricky with an HOA. You can check with the city and see who’s rules supersede the others. Also maybe worth it to talk to the people who are on the HOA committee and see if talking to them would be of any help. Some HOAs are better than others and some people who are on the committees are nicer than others. If you have somebody measuring how tall your grass is or counting how many cars you have in your driveway, then you may want to think twice about getting chickens!😊
Yes "fowl" are poultry. HOA rules supersede city rules. By living in your development you are agreeing to abide by HOA rules. Trying to "get around it" is only going to get you in trouble, especially if you have nosy neighbors.
Of course, we knew what we signed thus agreeing to, but things change. During the pandemic at one point I couldn't find eggs anywhere which led me to think about keeping a few hens. My relaives in the Philippines have Red Jungle Fowl running around which endeared them to me (even though they are very independent). I have good relations with my neighbors. However, I don't want the looming pressure of being caught. I will try to speak with the HOA, but honestly I don't think it will rule in my favor. Thanks everyone!
I have good relations with my neighbors. However, I don't want the looming pressure of being caught. I will try to speak with the HOA, but honestly I don't think it will rule in my favor. Thanks everyone!

Yes I'd see if I could change the policy with the HOA. Consider putting in some requirements to keep it sounding more reasonable (i.e. 3 hens, no roosters, set up must be set back a certain # of feet (go with city standards or better) and kept cleaned and maintained, etc.) and approach the HOA with that. Maybe find some neighbors who'd also be interested in keeping a small flock and have them sign off on your plan.

The last couple HOA areas I lived in, they were super nitpicky... the types that would look over your fence or fine you because your grass was 1 cm too tall. Definitely can't get away with hiding anything if your HOA is like that.
Yes I'd see if I could change the policy with the HOA. Consider putting in some requirements to keep it sounding more reasonable (i.e. 3 hens, no roosters, set up must be set back a certain # of feet (go with city standards or better) and kept cleaned and maintained, etc.) and approach the HOA with that. Maybe find some neighbors who'd also be interested in keeping a small flock and have them sign off on your plan.

The last couple HOA areas I lived in, they were super nitpicky... the types that would look over your fence or fine you because your grass was 1 cm too tall. Definitely can't get away with hiding anything if your HOA is like that.
Your making me scared to move into HOA neighborhood. Unfortunately the city I listed as residence has SO MUCH HOA neighborhoods. Especially newer home development. I don’t mind paying HOA fees but man I don’t want to be watch about my property image. LOL

I woulddefinitely talk to the committee and neighbors. Have the neighbors or the community be supported of you first. But always be careful who you talk to in the neighborhood. Some may not be onboard. Find who would though. If any.
Your making me scared to move into HOA neighborhood. Unfortunately the city I listed as residence has SO MUCH HOA neighborhoods. Especially newer home development. I don’t mind paying HOA fees but man I don’t want to be watch about my property image. LOL

I personally don't recommend it. Not saying they're all bad, like some are fairly hands off, or use the fees wisely to pay for neighborhood maintenance, from landscaping to snow plowing, but others are very nitpicky and strict.

Some of the eyerolling moments for me:
- I got fined for a neighbor having a basketball hoop (obviously I refused to pay and told them off for not bothering to check which house it was).
- I had to get signed permission from multiple neighbors to landscape my back yard, and then had 2 months to complete the work exactly as specified.

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