Post Your First Egg Pics-Part 2



BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Jan 11, 2007
NE Washington State
Post your first egg pics! We are all so proud when our pets sing the egg song for the very first time and lay their first egg. Let's see those proud moments!

This is the very first egg from my Turken who I named Prettie, because she was so beautiful. She had been raised kept on display in a cage at a feed store as a curiosity and I paid way more than I should have to get her free.
first egg.jpg

This is the sweet girl who gave me the first egg. This was in 2004, so she is long gone, but we'll always remember our first summer of chicken keeping.

We started this new thread as the old one has so many broken links.
Oh I'll show off mine! I have 3 older hens (Ruth, Fiona, & Butterscotch) who are almost 2 years old and have been taking a break over winter, and 3 younger pullets (Roxy, Gemma & Sally) who are 26 weeks and just coming into lay now.

Last week was (GLW) Roxy's first egg ever! And she broke the winter egg-drought with her cute little pullet egg :)

Yesterday, both my (BR) Ruth, and my new (EE) Gemma laid an egg. It was Ruth's first of the year, and Gemma's first egg ever! Gemma's egg was huge for a pullet egg. I'm thinking maybe a double yolk. She's a big hen though. Bigger than my other EE who lays big eggs. I thought she was going to be a cockerel for the longest time with her 3-rowed comb too. AND she has no beard!

Ruth says: "Hey, where are you going with my egg?!" See how big that blue pullet egg is? Nearly as big as Ruth's and the ceramic egg in there!

Roxy's been a daily layer thus far, so together I got these three beautiful eggs yesterday! (Ruth's pale brown speckled egg in the front, Gemma's blue egg in the middle, Roxy's medium brown egg in the back)

Three hens laying, 3 more to go! Butterscotch (Speckled Sussex) lays a pink egg, Fiona (EE) lays a pale grey-green egg, and Sally (EE) is still a mystery. Looking forward to my colorful egg baskets :)
I have 8 young ladies and have been waiting anxiously for them to start laying. They are almost 22 weeks old so imagine my surprise to discover this awesome little stash in the crape myrtle today. Now I already have 5 full grown ladies all of whom lay brown eggs and they lay strictly in the coop. So imagine my surprise to discover white eggs. My new girls are 3 BOs, 4 RIRs and 1 red ranger.

Here's some pictures of the likely culprits

Above is the first ever egg from my first flock, an EE long gone. But you can see how proud I was!


This first egg today came from my black crested Polish, and I know because I watched her decide on a nest and arranging fresh dry grass and coir I just added to help her out, and listened to her calling out. She was also recently started squatting. That's her, closest to the door. :celebrate:love:D

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