Post your Duck's Names!!!!


Enslaved by Indoor Ducks
11 Years
Nov 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
i thought i'd start a post of all of our ducks names... go ahead and list the name of any duck you've ever had, past or present... heck, even future... and tell us the sex if it's know... lol i'll start-

1. Ming Mei (f)
2. Victor (f lol)
3. Peter (f again lol)
4. Sammy (f)
5. Vinny (f)
6. Ollie (f)
7. Rooen, or duck#3 (unknown)
1) Hugo
2) Miss Matilda Pekin Duck
3) Gramma Grey
4) Quack Sister
5) Butterscotch
6) Smudge
7) Katy Call Duck
8) Annie Annie
9) Jeannie
10) Marlys
Khaki Campbell drakes: Webster & Wally
Khaki Campbell hens: Myrtle, Blossom, Dorcas, Aflac, Zori (like the flip-flop sandal), Lily, Dory & Six (when she was hatched she raised the number in her group to six)
Pekin hens: Latex & Vinyl (because when they were baby yellow ducklings we called them The Rubber Duckies)

A batch of 5 KC ducklings hatched out by a bantam named Biscuit are known as The Biscuits or The Biscuit Ducks

Another 3 KC ducklings hatched out by a KC hen and therefore able to go swim in the pool when they were small are known as The Tub Toys.
All Crested Pekins:

Mrs. Puff (f)
Mr. Special (m)
Mr. Hat (m)
Mr. Hat the second (m)
Bubbles (f)
Noodles (f)
Susie (f)
Banana (f)
Sarah (f)
Miss Special (f)
Spike (m)
Mr. Wack-Wack (m)
Squabbles (m)
Jack (khaki drake)
Janet (khaki hen)
Chrissy (runner hen)
Lana (buff hen)
JJ (runner/khaki cross hen)
Uno (buff/khaki cross)
Tweak (Welsh Harlequin drake)
Bebe (Welsh Harlequin hen)
Bebe II (Welsh Harlequin hen)
Wendy (Welsh Harlequin hen)
Shelley (Welsh Harlequin hen)
Lexus (Welsh Harlequin hen)
Butters (Welsh Harlequin drake)
We call our trio of BO Ducks the 'Mucklings' cause they're always mucky

Our one duck has white racing stripes over her eyes, you can't see them in this photo but because of those stripes we call her "Racing Stripes"

Buckette, the autistic duck
Drake (say this fast 7 times because there are 7 of them)
Girls (say this fast 5 times because only 3 have names, and the rest are just 'girls')
and I call the call ducks "Rubber duckies"

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