Post your cute videos of tame quail


Jan 9, 2022
Are there others here with tame (button) quail ? .. If you have videos of buttons or other tamed quail which you've not posted here at BYC in the past (saw the one of the quail massage here somewhere already), feel free to post them...

Many of you likely saw the videos of the famous "Sweetpea" who takes dust baths in my hair. I recently sold 2 other tame buttons to a retired lady who will love them dearly.
This is my latest taming below - A wee disabled little button girl who's been spending loads of time with mama b/c she can't be with other birds -- I'll be hatching some chicks in the next 3 weeks however so she'll have a bit of company from at least 1 of those for a bit, and once I have the new sweet little feather-balls tamed I will sell a few of those too.

Would love if others posted vids of their tame quail !! - I don't see many around here and wonder if there are others who tame their quail?


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